For good health bask in sunlight every day

As per Ayurveda in the present period diseases such as diabetes, high blood pressure, vitamin deficiencies, obesity, extensive skin diseases, cold, different types of allergies, joint pain, swelling of the body, hormonal disorders such as thyroid disorders, poor digestion, constipation, piles etc occur due to the fire element within the body being covered with black energy or its reduction.

Appropriate method of massaging the body and benefits of massage

Massage helps in directing these toxins into the blood. Most of the toxins in the muscle are expelled thus reducing the pain and making it light and relaxed. Till these toxins are regenerated the body gets sound sleep and the speed of toxin production decreases and is controlled.

Ayurvedic remedies to gain weight

Nutritious food is important to gain weight but if the digestive system is weak or if you have disorders of digestion then the nutritious food consumed is not digested and results in harm instead of benefit.