Due to the changing lifestyles of today especially those involved in sedentary work at home or in the office, exposure to sunlight has decreased markedly. Hence those with no or limited exposure to sunlight should perform spiritual healing in sunlight (sunbathing).

1. Advantages of sunbathing as per Ayurveda
A. The Sun Deity bestows good health. Hence the quote ‘आरोग्यं भास्करात् इच्छेत् ।’ meaning ask the Sun Deity for health.
B. As per Ayurveda in the present period diseases such as diabetes, high blood pressure, vitamin deficiencies, obesity, extensive skin diseases, cold, different types of allergies, joint pain, swelling of the body, hormonal disorders such as thyroid disorders, poor digestion, constipation, piles etc occur due to the fire element within the body being covered with black energy or its reduction. By basking in the sun, the black energy covering on the fire element disappears, and the fire energy gets activated and helps in overcoming above mentioned diseases.
C. Regular basking in the sun in required amounts helps in eliminating excess doshas (toxins causing disease) from the body.
2. Characteristics of sun rays
A. Sunrays are hot, sharp and penetrating like a needle, dry and light.
B. The above characteristics are present in early morning sunrays as well as and the afternoon harsh rays of the sun; only the intensity varies from mild in the morning to severe in the afternoon.
C. As in the summer the sun is closer to the earth, hence in the afternoon the sunrays are intense. In winter the sun is away from the earth and so comparatively the afternoon heat is not as intense.
D. In the equatorial countries the sun is very harsh. As you move away from the equator its intensity starts decreasing.
E. In countries with humid weather (eg. coastal areas), due to humidity in the atmosphere the heat of the sunrays, does not penetrate the skin and hence the heat of the sun is comparatively milder. In dry weather (eg. Vidarbha, Marathwada), as there is no humidity in the atmosphere, heat of the sunrays penetrates the skin and affects it.
3. Norms pertaining to sun basking according to the season
A. After the festival of Diwali, winter season starts and the climate is cooler which lasts till afternoon and you feel like drinking something hot. At such times, till the cold climate persists, you can bask in the strong afternoon heat too, if it makes you feel good.
B. As soon as the winter season subsides, spring (Vasant rutu) starts. This increases body humidity. To eliminate it bask in the sun as much as you can tolerate.
C. In torrid summer you detest the heat. So bask in the early morning sun, not in the afternoon heat as it leads to diseases of pitta (bile) and induces fatigue.
D. In the rainy season the weather is cloudy. Excessive rainfall makes the weather cool. If the sky becomes clear then use that sunlight to overcome cold. On those days as the sun is close to the earth its intensity is severe. Hence do not remain in sunlight for long.
E. The period from rainy season till Diwali is autumn (Sharad rutu). During this period heat grows tremendously all of a sudden hence this called the ‘October heat’. During this period too avoid the strong heat of the sun.
F. In any season the early morning sunlight or that of the setting sun is good.
4. Research on sunrays in Allopathy
A. Sunlight is essential for production of Vitamin D in the body. Even if you consume Vitamin D from external sources then it is beneficial only when you are exposed to sunlight, otherwise it is useless.
B. Sunlight has ultraviolet rays – UVA, UVB and UVC
1. Out of the ultraviolet rays only UVB rays are capable of producing Vitamin D. The wavelength of these rays is 280 to 315 nanometres. Nanometres is the subtlemost parameter for measuring length.
2. In Bharat UVB frequencies are found in sunlight from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m.
3. Only if sunrays fall directly on the skin then Vitamin D is produced. In cloudy weather there is no direct contact of sunlight with the skin so this sunlight or that entering through glass does not help in producing vitamin D.
4. UVA, UVB and UVC, all three rays can cause cancer of the skin.
C. Chances of skin cancer developing due to repeated fall of strong sunrays on exposed parts of the skin such as hands, feet and face every day, are high. Hence bask those body parts not generally exposed to sunlight such as back, abdomen and shoulders, in the sun.
5. Points to be considered about basking in the sun
A. As daily exposure of the body to sunlight is necessary to keep the body healthy those who do not get direct sunlight should bask in the sun for 15 to 20 minutes every day.
B. Basking in the sun should be done observing the rules for this, based on the season.
C. Bask in the sun only as much as you can tolerate. Do not take the strong afternoon sunrays just because the allopathic doctors have researched, ignoring the norms set by Sages when you cannot tolerate the heat.(Sunlight remedies are to acquire good health.By exposure to sunlight when you get Vitamin D you should not acquire another disease.)
D. So that all vitamins besides D exist in the body in required quantities it is necessary to maintain the fire in the body. When the fire in the body is healthy there is a never a vitamin deficiency and to achieve this you should observe the following three rules.
1. Sleep early and wake up early, do not take an afternoon nap.
2. Eat only when you are hungry. Never eat even a morsel when there is no desire to eat.
3. Drink water only when you are thirsty, not otherwise.
E. When doing healing in sunlight do not fear that ‘sunlight can cause cancer’ as researched in allopathy. If the fire within the body is good then cancer does not occur and to maintain it in good condition follow the above three rules religiously.
6. Benefits of exposure to sunlight after application of oil
1. As per Ayurveda
After oil is applied to the skin it is absorbed into it. Exposure to sunlight in this state increases body temperature and the blood flow. This helps in better absorption of the oil into the skin.
2. Modern allopathy
One kind of cholesterol (a kind of fat) from the skin generates Vitamin D in the presence of ultraviolet rays from the sun. So, for production of Vitamin D both sunlight and fats are essential. Exposure to sunlight after application of oil provides the body both components, and facilitates the process of Vitamin D production.
– Vaidya Meghraj Madhav Paradkar, Sanatan ashram, Ramnathi, Goa (21.10.2018)
Follow allopathic advice only after viewing it from the Ayurvedic angle
Allopathy is a man-made and advancing science in which every day there is new research emerging. This research helps in understanding the subtleties from anatomy of the body but is often unilateral. At the end of the research the conclusion says ‘you benefit if you do so-and-so’ but its side-effects are not studied. So it should be implemented only after weighing with Ayurvedic principles.
Ayurveda is an absolute and progressive science created by God Himself. This science has a strong foundation of principles bound by the past, present and future.
– Vaidya Meghraj Madhav Paradkar, Sanatan ashram, Ramnathi, Goa (21.10.2018)