Multiple uses of the tomato

Tomatoes are an inseparable part of our food. They can even be grown in pots in your kitchen garden. Organic tomatoes found locally and known as ‘Chingali Tomatoes’ are the best. They are not only tastier than other tomatoes but they also supply the body with the essential nutrients.


1. Method of preparing the tomato soup (saar)

Boil 4 to 5 tomatoes with skin in half a tambya (metal pot) of water. Then remove the skin and seeds and make a puree. Use 1/4th teaspoon of cummin seeds for tempering in 1 teaspoon of pure ghee. Add a small piece of crushed ginger to it. Then add the tomato puree along with the water used for boiling the tomatoes. If necessary, add more water. Then add salt and sugar as per taste and bring to a boil. Garnish with fresh coriander leaves and serve hot. Chingali tomatoes make the best soup. Soup from tamarind or kokum can be made similarly.


2. Medicinal uses of the tomato

2 A. Tastelessness and loss of appetite

Make a pulp of tomatoes with the skin, in the mixer. Add salt to taste and cummin seeds and consume 2 teaspoons of this juice twice a day. The tomato gravy from ‘dhabas’ is a puree of tomato, onion, coconut, cashewnuts etc. It is tomato which contributes towards the good taste of the gravy.

2 B. Loss of appetite

Loss of appetite appears when plasma, blood and other body components are not being produced in the physical body. Recommend tomato juice for such patients.

2 C. Impurities in blood

There are some indicators for blood being impurified by vata (wind), pitta (bile) etc – increase in body heat, bleeding through the gums, burning of the body, rash on the body, bodyache, feeling feverish etc.  These individuals should drink tomato soup or eat slices of tomato off and on but not every day according to the norm that anything in excess is dangerous.

2 D. Fever

When fever is accompanied with symptoms of thirst or dryness of mouth give the affected person a slice of tomato to eat. This reduces thirst and helps in lowering the temperature. Tomato soup is useful in fever as well.

2 E. Weakness

When convalescing from an illness sometimes the hemoglobin in the blood falls. Tomato soup is good for such patients.


3. Important note

Seeds of tomatoes are contraindicated in those suffering from kidney stones.

Ayurvedic Physician Vilas Jagannath Shinde, Jijai Ayurveda Chikitsalay, Khalapur, Raigad District
Source : Dainik Sanatan Prabhat

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