When does the soul enter the embryo ?

A embryologist at Nipani Karnataka for several years, Mr. Aniruddh Pattanshetti has extensive experience in the field of infertility. He has put forth the malpractices which he noticed when working at an infertility clinic.

For good health bask in sunlight every day

As per Ayurveda in the present period diseases such as diabetes, high blood pressure, vitamin deficiencies, obesity, extensive skin diseases, cold, different types of allergies, joint pain, swelling of the body, hormonal disorders such as thyroid disorders, poor digestion, constipation, piles etc occur due to the fire element within the body being covered with black energy or its reduction.

Appropriate techniques of lifting weights

‘When doing daily chores or when travelling, we have to lift weights of different kinds at multiple occasions. When lifting them either consciously or unconsciously there is strain on the body.