Sanatan Sanstha

25 years of Sanatan Sanstha

Guiding Humanity on the

Path to Happiness !

Sanatan Sanstha

25 years of Sanatan Sanstha

Guiding Humanity on the

Path to Happiness !

Welcome to Sanatan Sanstha, a beacon of spiritual guidance and Sanatan Dharma for the past 25 years. We are dedicated to providing regular individual guidance, resources, and a supportive environment for those seeking to deepen their understanding and practice of spirituality and Sanatan Dharma. Started by doctor turned spiritual master Sachchidananda Parabrahman Dr Jayant Athavale on 22 March 1999 with the grace of His Sadguru Sant Bhaktaraj Maharaj, Sanatan has grown due to your love, support, and the blessings of Saints, Shankaracharyas, and God.

We at Sanatan Sanstha are here to help you discover your unique path. So join us as we celebrate 25 years of service to the spiritual and Dharmik community, and be with us as we aspire to serve them for another 25 years and beyond.

Founder’s message

Sanatan Sanstha’s primary mission to create staunch devotees who will compel God to incarnate and reinstate Dharma ! : Bhagwan ShriKrishna has promised to reincarnate over and over again to protect the pious and destroy the wicked. People wonder why He hasn’t incarnated even though the Nation and Dharma are in dire straits. The answer is that we do not harbour the same devotion as Bhakta Prahlad, that God will incarnate to protect the pious. We should increase our spiritual practice and devotion to such an extent that God will be compelled to incarnate. We always say ‘strength lies in devotion’.

– (Sachchidananda Parabrahman) Dr Jayant Balaji Athavale

Impact Stories

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Uniqueness of Sanatan Sanstha


The easiest path to attain happiness

Personality Defect Removal & Inculcating virtues

Love sans expectations

Ego reduction

Chanting God’s Name

Enhancing devotion




Personality Defect Removal & Inculcating virtues

Ego reduction

Chanting God’s Name

Enhancing devotion




Love sans expectations

In 1993, Sant Bhaktaraj Maharaj blessed Dr Athavale with Jnan (Knowledge), Bhakti (Devotion) and Vairagya (Detachment). In a way, He bestowed Dr Athavale authority over Jnanyoga, Bhaktiyoga and Karmayoga. In 1994, Dr Athavale propounded Gurukrupayoga (Path of Guru’s grace), a confluence of all these paths. Gurukrupayoga ensures your spiritual progress by striking a balance between Jnan, Bhakti and Karma, a combination which is unique to each individual who follows the eightfold sadhana. Sanatan’s seekers are practising, experiencing, and progressing which is evident from the number of individuals who have reached an exalted status within the short 25-year span of the Sanstha’s existence.

Sanatan’s Treasure

Ordinary mortals transformed into seekers, Saints, Sadgurus and Paratpar Gurus by Sachchidananda Parabrahman Dr Athavale

Paratpar Guru

(Seekers with more than 90% spiritual level)


(Seekers with more than 80% spiritual level)


(Seekers with more than 70% spiritual level)


(Seekers more than 61% spiritual level)

Paratpar Guru

(Seekers with more than 90% spiritual level)


(Seekers with more than 80% spiritual level)


(Seekers with more than 70% spiritual level)


(Seekers more than 61% spiritual level)

Art as Sadhana

Numerous artists are pursuing their vocation in drawing, sculpture, music, dance, architecture, etc., to achieve oneness with God through art. Artist-seekers who are experts in their respective fields are conducting research under the guidance of Sachchidananda Parabrahman Dr Athavale to achieve sattvikata in their art forms.




Sattvik Mehendi

Sattvik Rangoli





Sattvik Mehendi

Sattvik Rangoli


Sanatan Granth Sampada

Sanatan’s treasure trove of books serves to be the guiding light to millions of spiritual aspirants. These books are practical guides on learning, living, and experiencing spirituality. Sanatan’s books cover a wide range of topics to satiate your curiosity. Our books

Have scientific answers to whys and hows of Spirituality
Present information in a easy to comprehend manner
Have analysis and pictures based on subtle-knowledge

Subtle World Pioneers

There is a world out there that is far greater and more powerful than our physical world. That which is beyond the comprehension of the five sense organs, mind and intellect is called subtle. Though invisible, it affects our lives in various ways. Sachchidananda Parabrahman Dr Athavale got interested in the subtle world in 1982. He has been studying and teaching seekers various aspects of examining the subtle world like obtaining subtle knowledge, subtle analysis, drawing subtle pictures using their activated sixth sense. Sanatan Ashram houses a museum of the visible effects of the subtle world. Sanatan’s books have invaluable knowledge gleaned from this subtle dimension.

Spiritual Research

Sachchidananda Parabrahman Dr Athavale realised that present generations rely on empirical data more than anecdotal evidence. Hence He started studying spiritual science and phenomena with various scientific instruments while adding the element of sixth sense to the findings. These instruments have collected reams of data on the vibrations of Deities, positive and negative effects of subtle regions on the physical world, and spiritual remedies for physical, psychological and spiritual distress. He has also applied this research to open new dimensions in Arts, Yajna, meditation, Ayurveda, etc.

Spiritual Museum

A spiritual museum is being set up under the guidance of Sachchidananda Parabrahman Dr Athavale. This Spiritual Museum will house unique objects that have spiritual value, soil, water, and thousands of objects that depict the effects of Panchamahabhutas, photos and over 16,000 videos, from various pilgrim places in Bharat, temples, Mathas of Saints, Samadhi places of Saints, historical places etc. This is a new chapter in the annals of history of the spiritual world where objects of spiritual value are being collected and preserved for future generations to learn from.

Self-Healing for All

The reason for the physical & psychological distress of an individual is mostly spiritual. The most important spiritual reason is – distress caused by negative energies. Sachchidananda Parabrahman Dr Athavale has studied, devised and practised many novel methods of spiritual healing. These self-healing remedies are simple but transformative, so the only investment required is your time. They have been shared in Sanatan’s books, websites and other media freely for the benefit of humanity.

Holistic Personality Development

Sachchidananda Parabrahman Dr Athavale realised that personality flaws and shortcomings are a primary reason for the general lack of happiness and contentment in people. As a practising clinical hypnotherapist, He was uniquely poised to guide humanity in personal development and spiritual growth. Thus, He developed the Personality Defect Removal Process, a pioneering programme that has helped transform thousands of lives. The PDR process is an everyday exercise that helps you in holistic personality development.

Discovering Divine Children

Over the years, Sachchidananda Parabrahman Dr Athavale observed extraordinarily gifted children with a higher spiritual calibre. These children command attention by virtue of their intelligence, ability to perceive the subtle dimension, and absolute faith in God among other qualities. Gurudev’s spiritual research found that they come from the higher positive subtle regions of the Universe. Spiritual research continues on the lives of over a thousand such children to understand the importance of such children and the purpose of their birth in the current times.

Sanatan Ashram

Sanatan Sanstha’s flagship Ashram is a spiritual oasis conducive to pursue unhindered spiritual exploration. The Ashram provides continuous and progressive guidance on spirituality, enables the seeker to learn, heal, live spiritually, and experience the divine within. The Ashram is a modern-day Gurukul catering to the needs of those whose ultimate aim is enlightenment (Moksha or God-realisation). With this shared aspiration of attaining moksha, our diverse community transcends caste, sect, gender and other differences, fostering a truly spiritual commune.

Here’s what renowned figures have to share about our organisation!


Our Activities

Lectures on stress free life

Free Weekly Online Satsangs

Free Medical Camps

Value Education Balsanskar Varg

Book stalls and exhibitions

Lectures on Hindu Dharma

Embark on a journey of boundless happiness with us

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