Significance of self-materialized Idol of Ganesh
The Idols of Shri Vigneshwar, Shri Girijatmaj and Shri Varad Vinayak are self-materialized. Divine Consciousness is greater in self-materialized Ganesh Idols than in sculpted ones. The mission of a self-materialized Ganesh Idols of purifying the environment is multiple times more than by a sculpted idol as it is able to emit sattvikta simultaneously in equal proportions in all directions.

1. Special features
A. ‘Since a self-materialized Ganesh Idol has been created by nature due to God’s wish, the Divine Consciousness in it is more than in an Idol sculpted by man.
B. Such Idols possess maximum amount nirgun (Non-materialised) Principle, which is His primal Principle. This Principle functions at a level beyond the Tejtattva (Absolute Fire Principle) that is at the level of the Vayu (Absolute Air) or Akash (Absolute Ether) Principles.
C. Duration of persistence of Divine Consciousness from the self-materialized Idol too is more than in a man-made Idol.
D. Even if the shape of organs of self-materialized Ganesh Idols, such as the trunk, ears, eyes etc is not perfect from the viewpoint of Spirituality, still the the Shri Ganesh Principle is active in it. This is because such idols are beyond the restrictions of place and time. On the the other hand only if organs of man-made Ganesh Idols are sculpted perfectly as per Scriptures, then the Shri Ganesh Principle gets attracted to them.
E. This Idol gets created in keeping with that era.
F. The Ganesh Principle is inherent in a self-materialized Ganesh idol. As against this, it has to be attracted into a sculpted Ganesh Idol by performing ritualistic worship or consecration.
2. Importance
A. A sculpted Idol is beneficial in spiritual practice performed with expectations while a self-materialized one endows the benefit of spiritual practice without expectations.
B. The mission of purifying a region and the atmosphere of a self-materialized Shri Ganesh Idol is multiple times more than a sculpted one. It can function equally in all directions simultaneously.’
– Mrs. Anjali Gadgil, Sanatan Ashram, Ramnathi, Ponda, Goa