Shri Hanumatstotram authored by Shridharswami

सुखैकधामभूषणं मनोजगर्वखण्डनम् ।
अनात्मधीविगर्हणं भजेऽहमञ्जनासुतम् ॥ १ ॥

भवाम्बुधिं तितीर्षुभिः सुसेव्यमानमद्भुतम् ।
शिवावतारिणं परं भजेऽहमञ्जनासुतम् ॥ २ ॥

गुणाकरं कृपाकरं सुशान्तिदं यशस्करम् ।
निजात्मबुद्धिदायकं भजेऽहमञ्जनासुतम् ॥ ३ ॥

सदैव दुष्टभञ्जनं सदा सुधर्मवर्धनम् ।
मुमुक्षुभक्तरञ्जनं भजेऽहमञ्जनासुतम् ॥ ४ ॥

सुरामपादसेविनं सुरामनामगायिनम् ।
सुरामभक्तिदायिनं भजेऽहमञ्जनासुतम् ॥ ५ ॥

विरक्तमण्डलाधिपं सदात्मवित्सुसेवितम् ।
सुभक्तवृन्दवन्दितं भजेऽहमञ्जनासुतम् ॥ ६ ॥

विमुक्तिविघ्ननाशकं विमुक्तिभक्तिदायकम् ।
महाविरक्तिकारकं भजेऽहमञ्जनासुतम् ॥ ७ ॥

सुखं यदेवमद्वयं बृहत्त्वमेव तत् स्वयम् ।
इतीह बोधकं गुरुं भजेऽहमञ्जनासुतम् ॥ ८ ॥

विरक्तिमुक्तिदायकं इमं स्तवं सुपावनम् ।
पठन्ति ये समादरात् न संसरन्ति ते ध्रुवम् ॥ ९ ॥

॥ इति श्री श्रीधरस्वामी विरचितं श्रीहनुमत्स्तोत्रम् संपूर्णम् ॥

Meaning : We worship son of Anjana, One who enhances beauty of places which are extremely pleasing, One who has destroyed ego of Madan, and eliminates ignorance of those who have not achieved self-realization ||1||

We worship Anjana’s great son who is Deity Shiva’s incarnation, is miraculous and is worshipped by the ones desirous of swimming through the ocean of worldly existence ||2||

We worship Anjana’s son who is an ocean of virtues, mountain of kindness, One bestowing peace and success and imparting self-realization. ||3||

We worship Anjana’s son who always annihilates evil, nurtures Dharma, entertains those devotees desirous of Final Liberation. ||4||

One who worships Shriram’s holy feet, is engrossed in chanting the Name of Shriram, imparts devotion of Shriram, we worship such son of Anjana ||5||

We worship son of Anjana who is full of detachment, is real form of soul and venerable to all devotees. ||6||

One who eliminates the obstacles from the path of liberation, imparts devotion of Final Liberation and detachment, we worship such son of Anjana ||7||

One who imparts highest quality of happiness and is Himself great, One who is knowledgeable and is a Guru, we worship such son of Anjana ||8||

These verses imparting detachment and liberation, bestow merits. Those devotees who recite these verses with respect will get liberated from the cycle of life and death ||9||

This completes the Hanumat stotra compiled by Shridharswami

Note: ‘Anjana’ is mother of Deity Hanuman, ‘Anjani’!

Shri Bhalchandra Joshi, Charkop, Mumbai (7.4.2020)
Source : Dainik Sanatan Prabhat

1 thought on “Shri Hanumatstotram authored by Shridharswami”

  1. Very very useful and related in this situation. May Sri Hanuman save our people from this covid 19 . By the grace of Sri Maruthi, Everyone should live peacefully and healthy…..


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