Arti of Shri Ganapati

Sukhkarta dukhharta varta vighnachi |
Nurvi purvi prem kripa jayachi |
Sarvangi sundar uti shendurachi |
Kanthi zalke mal mukta- phalachi || 1 ||…

Neuroscience and the ‘Sanskrit Effect’

Memorising Vedic mantras increases the size of brain regions associated with cognitive function, including short and long-term memory. Even small amounts of chanting and recitation could have an amazing effect on all of our brains.

The pictorial journey of life of Paratpar Guru Parshram Pande Maharaj  

Union of the embodied soul (jiva) and the Supreme Soul (Shiva). Captured here is the moment when Partapar Guru (Dr.) Athavale went to meet Partapar Guru Pande Maharaj in His home in Akola on 18.2.2005. When They met spiritual emotion was evoked in Paratpar Guru Pande Maharaj.

Religious significance of the All Bharat Kumbha Mela

This special series of articles titled ‘Kumbha Darshan’ has been created to commemorate the Kumbha Mela. Through it we will make an attempt to give our readers its entire spectrum through pictures and special importance

Garbhadhan (Rutushanti) – First Sanskar

In this sanskar, body purification is achieved with the help of specific mantras & Yadnyas and mantras which help perform sexual union appropriately, both from the scientific and health perspectives, are taught.