Greatness of Shri Chintamani, prominent Ganapati
from Kalamb (Yavatmal District), who generates
spiritual emotion and devotion in devotees

The famous Shri Chintamani temple at Shri Kshetra Kalamb village which is 23 kilometres from Yavatmal on the Yavatmal-Nagpur State Highway, is the seat of faith for lakhs of devotees. Let us understand more about this Shri Chintamani temple and its legends. In Hindu culture Shri Ganapati is worshipped before commencing any auspicious function or ritualistic worship of any Deity. He being the remover of obstacles is worshipped before commencing anything from a drama or wedding to a housewarming ceremony. There are many famous seats of Shri Ganapati. Let us learn about one such place.
1. Information regarding the Shri Chintamani
temple and special features of the Idol
This temple at Kalamb is 35 feet below ground level. When you turn left through the main door by descending 29 steps there is a Shri Ganeshkund (pond). In front of this pond, in the main sanctum sanctorum, an alluring and most beautiful Idol of Devendravarad Shri Chintamani is placed. A special feature of this idol is that it faces the south. Indra, king of Deities performed austerities facing the north and Shri Ganesh appeared before him. Since the Idol of Shri Ganesh was installed at the very spot and in the very form that He appeared, that is why it is said that the Idol must be facing southwards. There are 2 shivlings of Deity Shankar, one on either side of the Idol and also one of Shri Nagnabhairav.

A four faced ancient Ganesh Idol exists at the entrance of the temple. A special feature of this is that the four faces of Ganesh are sculpted from a single stone facing four directions and the hands of all four Idols are entwined with each other. This Idol was found during excavation of an old fort situated to the north of the temple. There is no record available regarding who built this temple, when and how.
2. Legend behind Indra, the king of Deities
installing the Idol of Chintamani
The region of Kalamb is mentioned in both Shri Ganesh Puran and Shrimad Mudgal Puran. The story given in Mudgal Puran is detailed, a summary of which is given further.
Once Deity Brahma created a woman with unparalleled beauty and named her Devi Ahilya. Deities, demons, yaksha and gandharva (Demigods), kinnar (Celestial musicians), spirits etc all were enticed by her beauty and to be able to procure her they began praying unto Deity Brahma. Thereafter He declared that He would give her to the first one who circumambulates the earth once. All set out in their respective vehicles to complete the race. Maharshi Gautam living in Arya region also received this news. At that time there was a pregnant cow in His ashram. Based on a quote from the Scriptures that circumamblating a pregnant cow is equivalent to circumambulating the earth He circumambulated that cow and then went to Deity Brahma to ask for the hand of the beautiful woman. Based on Scriptures Deity Brahman promptly wedded his daughter to that ready-witted Sage groom with honour. King Indra having completed one circumambulation of the earth first, came to Deity Brahma but it was of no use. He was dejected. He then had a destructive thought that he would acquire her through deceit if not in straightforward manner. One day when Maharshi Gautam was not present in the ashram, he assumed the form of Maharshi Gautam and misbehaved with Ahilya. When Maharshi Gautam came to know of this he was enraged and cursed Indra that he would get afflicted with a hundred diseases. King Indra was terrified. He pleaded before Bruhaspati the Guru of Deities. Along with Indra the Guru too surrendered unto Sage Gautam and asked for forgiveness. Maharshi Gautam forgave Indra and advised him to chant the six lettered mantra of Ganesh and to perform austerities to please Shri Chintamani in Kalamb region.
Bhagwan Shri Ganesh manifested with the penance of Indra. Using the goad in His hand he created a pond water at that place and Indra was cured of all diseases through the pond water. Thereafter, at that place, Indra installed an Idol of Shri Chintamani. This is the famous Shri Kshetra Kalamb.
3. Arrival of sacred Ganga in the
Shri Ganesh pond within the Shri Chintamani temple
Shri Ganesh pond is located in front of the Idol of Shri Chintamani. The level of water in this pond and in the well located at a distance of 20 metres from it in the precincts of the temple are different. King Indra had first brought the Holy Ganga here for the worship of Shri Chintamani. A proof of that exists even today. The sacred Ganga manifests there every 12 to 13 years raising the water level in the pond. After some days as the Ganga touches the Holy feet of Shri Chintamani, automatically the water level in the pond recedes. There are records of this event happening in 1918, 1933, 1948, 1958, 1970, 1983 and 1995. Though the timeperiod of manifestation of Ganga in the pond is 12 years, there has been slight variations in it. Shri Chintamani was installed in the region of Kalamb by King Indra. The legend behind this goes that as King Indra was migitated of the curse of Sage Gautam, he installed Shri Chintamani Ganesh at this place and invoked River Ganga to manifest there for the ritualistic worship of Shri Chintamani. After the worship He requested her to bathe Shri Chintamani every 12 years. Ever since she is manifesting here.
When River Ganga manifests here, devotees of Deity Chintamani from Maharashtra and other states flock in lakhs to pay obeisance to Him and River Ganga.
Let us offer obeisance a million times at the Holy feet of Shri Chintamani who obliges to the call of His devotees and alleviates their chinta (Worries).
Reference : Mahima Chintamanicha, Author : Dr. Gopal Patil
Meaning of Chintamani
Kshipta (Extroversion), mudh (Foolishness), vikshipta (Weirdness), ekagra (Concentration) and nirudh (Meditation) are the five states of the subconscious mind. Chintamani is the one who enlightens them. By worship of Chintamani the fivefold subconscious mind gets destroyed and peace is attained. This is the assurance given in the Mudgal Puran.
Let us pray at the Holy feet of Shri Ganesh
to alleviate obstacles in the mission of the
Nation and Dharma and to establish a Hindu nation
O bestower of intellect and remover of obstacles Shri Ganesh, please grant the intellect and strength to be able to perform the mission towards the nation and Dharma. Please remove all the obstacles in achieving this. O Shri Ganesh you are the giver of pranashakti (Vital energy). Please give everyone the strength to be able to perform the mission with enthusiasm throughout the day. May all Hindus unite with your grace soon and form a Hindu nation. This is our prayer made with immense spiritual emotion.