The rangoli patterns given ahead attract and emit Shivatattva, because of which the environment gets charged with the Shivatattva (Shiva principle) and the devotees benefit spiritually.
A rangoli that creates vibrations of Shakti

To draw the above rangoli from the dot in the centre, draw 4 dots each in eight directions.
A rangoli that provides spiritual experience of Shanti

In the rangoli above, since the external round shape of the rangoli having vibrations of Shakti was changed, the vibrations of Shanti were created in it. In fact, the colours of this rangoli are the same as those in the rangoli having vibrations of Shakti.
Rangoli that attracts and emits vibrations of Shakti

This rangoli attracts and emits vibrations of Shakti as well as Shrīkrushṇa Principle and Shrī Durgādēvī Principle