- 1. Shri Chandi-Chamunda Devi temple at Chotila village
- 2. Information on Shri Chandi-Chamunda Devi shared by the chief Mahant of the temple – Sachin Devgiri
- 3. Extraordinary divine events that took place while visiting Shri Chandi-Chamunda Devi
- 3A. Sudden occurrence of heavy downpour after reaching the base of the temple and Saptarshi advising that Devi wishes Shrichitshakti (Mrs.) Anjali Gadgil to stay that night in Chotila village
- 3B. Shrichitshakti (Mrs.) Anjali Gadgil taking darshan of Devi the following evening as advised by Saptarshi, and her bhav getting awakened
- 3C. The chief Mahant of the temple Sachin Devgiri Maharaj narrating the history of the Devi to Shrichitshakti (Mrs.) Anjali Gadgil and giving her blessing of Shri Chandi-Chamunda Devi fulfilling all her wishes
- 3D. On seeing the signs of rain, Shrichitshakti (Mrs.) Anjali Gadgil descending the steps and it starting to rain heavily as soon as she entered the vehicle, giving the feeling that Deity Varun was only waiting for her darshan to happen
- 3E. Pujya Dr. Ulaganathan expressing that Devi (Shrichitshakti (Mrs.) Anjali Gadgil) had gone for taking darshan of Devi and Devi expressed her joy through the rain
- 4. Chandi and Chamunda of Chotila are the forms of Adishakti and Shrisatshakti (Mrs.) Binda Singbal and Shrichitshakti (Mrs.) Anjali Gadgil are the two forms of Devi Chandi and Chamunda who are one from within!
- 5. Prayers

The points narrated by Saptarshi through ‘Jeevanadipatti’ about taking darshan of Shri Chandi-Chamunda Devi at Chotila (Gujarat)
1. Shri Chandi-Chamunda Devi temple at Chotila village
Chotila village is on the Karnavati (Ahmedabad) – Rajkot highway and it is located 40 kms before Rajkot. There is a mountain in this village on top of which the temple of Chandi-Chamunda is located. One must climb 700 steps to reach this temple.
2A. The significance of Shri Chandi-Chamunda Devi’s place in Chotila
2A.1. Out of the two forms acquired by Devi Kaushiki, the one slaying the demon ‘Chand’ got the Name ‘Chandi’ and the other form slaying the demon ‘Mund’ is known as ‘Chamunda’
‘Chand and Mund were the commanders of demon kings ‘Shumbh and Nishumbh’. Shumbh-Nishumbh were attracted to Devi Kaushiki (A form of Adishakti) because of Her beauty. They sent Chand-Mund to get the Devi. Devi challenged them stating that if they fought with her and win, she would accompany them. Devi Kaushiki took two forms to fight against Chand-Mund. The Name of the form (Shakti) that killed the demon ‘Chand’ became ‘Chandi’, while the name of the form (Shakti) that killed the demon ‘Mund’ became ‘Chamunda’. Devi killed Chand-Mund on the mountain of the village Chotila.
2A.2. The stone of Devi in Shri Chandi-Chamunda Devi temple is self-manifested. Both the Devi forms are seen in one stone.
2A.3. Our ancestors used to say while describing the importance of Chotila, “The fruits of 12 years of penance in Kailas are obtained within 7 years of penance at this place of Adishakti.”
2A.4. Five thousand years ago when Pandavs were traveling to Dwarka to meet Shrikrushna, they found this place and they worshipped the Devi at this place.
2B. Other points
1. Every year during Navaratri festival in autumn season, ‘Navachandi’ sacrificial fire is performed here on the 8th day of the bright fortnight. Millions of devotees visit this place for the sacrificial fire.
2. Every day, Devi’s aarti is performed in the morning and evening during which the umbrella in the temple starts shaking automatically and it feels as if Devi has appeared inside the temple. The body of the priest also starts shaking at that time.
3. Abhishek (Consecration by ritualistic bathing with water, milk, etc.) is not performed on Devi every day; but on the day, the abhishek is to be performed, Devi comes in the dream of the temple-priest on the previous night and suggests giving a bath the next day.
4. Every day the temple is closed at 8.00 p.m. and after that, no one including the priest stays back on the hill.
3. Extraordinary divine events that took place while visiting Shri Chandi-Chamunda Devi
3A. Sudden occurrence of heavy downpour after reaching the base of the temple and Saptarshi advising that Devi wishes Shrichitshakti (Mrs.) Anjali Gadgil to stay that night in Chotila village
On 9.7.2021, at 6.00 p.m., we reached the foothill of the mountain while going to Chotila temple. It didn’t rain at all till the time Shrichitshakti (Mrs.) Anjali Gadgil reached the place and even the doli carriers were ready to carry her to the temple. (Doli means a simple palanquin used for carrying people from one place to another by human carriers and is used in hilly regions. – Editor). The temple committee and the main priest were aware of Shrichitshakti (Mrs.) Anjali Gadgil’s visit to the temple. As she was about to get down from the car, it started raining heavily. This rain didn’t seem to be normal. Even after 1 hour there was no sign of rain receding. In fact, it started pouring heavily. When we informed Pujya Dr. Ulaganathanji about it, Saptarshi told us through his medium that the Devi feels that Shrichitshakti should stay in Chotila i.e. in ‘Shri Chamundadevi kshetra’ on that day and the next day. If Shrichitshakti is able to have darshan of Devi on that day itself, she would start for her onward journey; therefore knowing this, Devi had planned for the rain. As if Chamunda Devi is saying that ‘She was welcoming Shrichitshakti (Mrs.) Anjali Gadgil with the rain and suggesting her to stay there on that day and have darshan on the next day.’ We, therefore offered obeisance mentally to Devi and as advised by Saptarshi stayed that night in Chotila village.
3B. Shrichitshakti (Mrs.) Anjali Gadgil taking darshan of Devi the following evening as advised by Saptarshi, and her bhav getting awakened
On the following day, we got a message from Saptarshi to have darshan between 5-7 p.m. Accordingly, Shrichitshakti (Mrs.) Anjali Gadgil had darshan of the Devi. The doli carriers took her to the top of the mountain in 15 minutes. After taking darshan of the beautiful Shri Chandi-Chamunda Devi, Shrichitshakti (Mrs.) Anjali Gadgil’s bhav (Spiritual emotion) was awakened.
3C. The chief Mahant of the temple Sachin Devgiri Maharaj narrating the history of the Devi to Shrichitshakti (Mrs.) Anjali Gadgil and giving her blessing of Shri Chandi-Chamunda Devi fulfilling all her wishes
As the chief Mahant of the temple, Sachin Devgiri Maharaj learnt that the purpose of Shrichitshakti (Mrs.) Anjali Gadgil’s visit was to offer prayers for the establishment of Hindu Rashtra, he called her near the sanctum of the temple and narrated the history of Devi in detail. He said, “Mataji it is a miracle that despite being a woman you are continuously travelling for Hindu Rashtra. There is no doubt that Shri Chandi-Chamunda Devi will fulfill all your wishes.”
3D. On seeing the signs of rain, Shrichitshakti (Mrs.) Anjali Gadgil descending the steps and it starting to rain heavily as soon as she entered the vehicle, giving the feeling that Deity Varun was only waiting for her darshan to happen
As we approached the steps after completing the darshan of Devi, to climb down the hill, we didn’t see the doli carriers. We were told that they had been sent down by the temple committee to urgently get some material and it would take at least 15 minutes for them to reach up on the hill. At that time, it started thundering and black clouds had surrounded the hill from all sides. On realizing that it may rain at any moment, Shrichitshakti (Mrs.) Anjali Gadgil started to climb down the steps, and she came down to the foothills in only ten minutes. As she kept a foot in the vehicle that was parked in front of the foothill, it started raining heavily. We felt as if Deity Varun was just waiting to have her Devi darshan to get completed.
3E. Pujya Dr. Ulaganathan expressing that Devi (Shrichitshakti (Mrs.) Anjali Gadgil) had gone for taking darshan of Devi and Devi expressed her joy through the rain
We seekers could not comprehend what was happening on those two days. Everything was unusual. ‘Shrichitshakti (Mrs.) Anjali Gadgil going for Devi darshan at Chotila, sudden occurrence of rains, rain stopping till she had the darshan’, all incidents seemed beyond human control. These were indeed a divine play. When we informed Pujya Dr. Ulaganathanji about the events, he said, “Shrichitshakti (Mrs.) Anjali Gadgil and Shrisatshakti (Mrs.) Binda Singbal are both Devis in reality. In fact, a Devi (Shrichitshakti (Mrs.) Anjali Gadgil) had visited the temple for the darshan of a Devi. Devi expressed Her joy in the form of rain. All these are not ordinary incidents, but they are an act of divine play. These will be noted in the history, in future. There is a difference between ordinary rain and the rain falling with the grace of Devi. This is a rain of joy.”
4. Chandi and Chamunda of Chotila are the forms of Adishakti and Shrisatshakti (Mrs.) Binda Singbal and Shrichitshakti (Mrs.) Anjali Gadgil are the two forms of Devi Chandi and Chamunda who are one from within!
Saptarshi said further, “Chandi-Chamunda’ Devi’s idols are on a mountain in Chotila village. Though we see two Devi forms here, they are one from within. Chandi and Chamunda are the forms of Adishakti. The two spiritual successors of Paratpar Guru Dr. Athavale, Shrisatshakti (Mrs.) Binda Singbal and Shrichitshakti (Mrs.) Anjali Gadgil are forms of Devi Chandi and Chamunda. The Adishakti who had taken the forms of Chandi-Chamunda in several eras before, and the Adishakti, who had taken the form of ‘Sat Chit Devi’ three thousand years before in Oshia village of Rajasthan, has now descended to the earth in the form of Shrisatshakti (Mrs.) Binda Singbal and Shrichitshakti (Mrs.) Anjali Gadgil. Though Shrisatshakti (Mrs) Binda Singbal and Shrichitshakti (Mrs) Anjali Gadgil are externally seen as two forms, they are one from within.

After the darshan of Shri Chamunda Devi at Chotila, getting a feeling that both Shrisatshakti (Mrs.) Binda Singbal and Shrichitshakti (Mrs) Anjali Gadgil are Shri Chamunda Devi themselves!
There are pictures of Chamunda Devi of Chotila on many websites. After seeing two pictures, it appears that ‘Chandi-Chamunda’ Devi are none other than our Shrisatshakti (Mrs.) Binda Singbal and Shrichitshakti (Mrs.) Anjali Gadgil themselves, in whose company we are continuously.
In the above picture, Shrisatshakti (Mrs.) Binda Singbal and Shrichitshakti (Mrs.) Anjali Gadgil are sitting next to each other. Looking at this photo, it appears that Chandi-Chamunda Devi of Chotila are these themselves. With regards to Shrisatshakti (Mrs.) Binda Singbal and Shrichitshakti (Mrs.) Anjali Gadgil, we seekers, experience this in their presence.
5. Prayers
‘O Gurudev, you, Shrisatshakti (Mrs.) Binda Singbal and Shrichitshakti (Mrs.) Anjali Gadgil are one. We, seekers, express immense gratitude at the holy feet of our Guru Paratpar Guru Dr. Athavale, who is the form of Shrivishnu, Shrisatshakti (Mrs.) Binda Singbal, and Shrichitshakti (Mrs.) Anjali Gadgil, who are the forms of Adishakti, for blessing us with your darshan in this life and for giving us such opportunities to perform service unto Absolute Truth with them and obtaining their satsang. It is you who have got spiritual practice performed from us and we pray to all the 3 Gurus to get spiritual practice performed from ordinary souls like us, even in the future!
– Shri. Vinayak Shanbhag, Chotila, Gujarat
The spiritual experiences published in this article are as per the saying ‘Where there is ‘bhav (Spiritual emotion)’, there is ‘Dev (God)’ and are personal experiences of the Sadgurus. Everyone may not get similar experiences. |