Many people have constipation related problems. This leads to several health issues. Many take medication to cleanse their stomach every day. Most of these medications cause dryness in the intestines. This further exacerbates the problem of indigestion.
1. Method of consuming fenugreek seeds
Fenugreek seeds are an elixir for cleansing our stomach. At bedtime or after dinner, half a teaspoon of fenugreek seeds should be swallowed with a little water similar to swallowing a medicine tablet without chewing. It clears the stomach by the time you wake up in the morning.
2. How do fenugreek seeds function?
Fenugreek seeds swell when they enter the stomach and due to their bloating, they cause bowel movement. The amount of water required in the intestines is maintained by fenugreek seeds. Therefore, the intestines don’t dry out. Fenugreek keeps all the three defects – wind, bile and phlegm (Vaat, Pitta, Kapha) in balance. Fenugreek is a dietary supplement. Therefore, even if fenugreek seeds are taken daily for several days, there is no harm. Eating fenugreek naturally leads to defecation. Diarrhoea does not happen. Fenugreek is also a tonic. Therefore, regular consumption of fenugreek seeds also reduces fatigue.
3. Quantity of fenugreek seeds to be
consumed as per the nature of the intestine
After consuming half a teaspoon of fenugreek seeds daily, if it gives the desired effect then one can reduce the quantity in the subsequent week. Minimal quantity that gives the required result should be continued. Digestive system of some people is weak, therefore for them half teaspoon of fenugreek seeds may not be sufficient. They should increase the intake by half teaspoon daily and the quantity that works best for them should be further continued. Few people may need to consume 3 to 4 teaspoons of fenugreek seeds at a time.
4. Fenugreek seeds should be washed before consuming
Fenugreek seeds are quite inexpensive as compared to the laxative medicines in use. Fenugreek seeds available in the market may be chemically sprayed. Therefore, in summer days, one should stock enough quantity of fenugreek seeds that would last for a year, wash them, dry them, store them in an airtight container and use them as needed throughout the year.
5. Fenugreek alleviates gases, phlegm and fever
मेथिका वातशमनी श्लेष्मघ्नी ज्वरनाशिनी ।
– भावप्रकाशनिघंटु, वर्ग १, श्लोक ८५
Meaning : Fenugreek alleviates gases, phlegm and fever. Fenugreek is also called as ‘पित्तजित्ज’ which means one which wins over bile. This means that fenugreek keeps all the three defects – wind, bile and phlegm in control.
दोषा एव हि सर्वेषां रोगाणामेककारणम् ।
– अष्टांगहृदय, सूत्रस्थान, अध्याय १२, श्लोक ३२
Meaning: The three defects – wind, bile and phlegm are the root cause of all diseases.
As per a principle in Ayurveda, no disease can occur without imbalance caused in the three defects – wind, bile and phlegm (Vaat, Pitta, Kapha). To remain healthy, these three defects must be kept in balance. Only when this balance is maintained, immunity increases. By consuming small quantity of fenugreek seeds every night, these three defects are kept in balance. This also gives support to any medication which is currently being taken and increases one’s immunity. Fenugreek seeds is one our daily dietary ingredients and it should be consumed only in the quantity that is tolerable to our body. This way are no side-effects of consuming fenugreek seeds.
Let me try, thanks for the advice.
How to eat fenugreek seeds? Do I need to soak it in water over night?
Namaste Shweta ji,
The fenugreek (methi) seeds must be swallowed as such (dry). They can be washed, dried, and stored.
Warm regards,
Sanatan Sanstha