Spiritual healing can help seekers affected by extreme distress caused by negative energies through obstructions in the Pranashakti flow system. It is noticed that the negative energies are frequently forming a distressing/negative energy covering over the seekers. This covering is repeatedly created even after removing it through spiritual remedy. Various aspects regarding this phenomenon are given ahead.
- 1. Identifying if there is a negative energy covering
- 2. Extent of the negative energy covering
- 3. Appearance of the negative energy covering
- 4. Formation and spread of the negative energy covering
- 5. Examples of distress due to the negative energy covering
- 6. Effect of negative energy covering on the process of finding spiritual healing remedy through Pranshakti flow system
- 7. General instructions to be kept in mind related to removal of negative energy covering
- 8. Method of removing the negative energy covering
- 9. Ensure there is no negative energy covering on self before performing spiritual remedy
- 10. Intermittently check if negative energies have created a subtle negative energy covering

1. Identifying if there is a negative energy covering
1A. What does the person with a negative energy covering feel?
If the person with the subtle negative energy covering comprehends the subtle dimension, they will experience heaviness in their body. If the covering has been formed around the entire body, they will feel that there is something around them and that they are living inside a shell. If the covering has been formed around a specific body part/organ, then some symptoms would be felt at that body part as well, e.g., if the covering has been formed around one’s head then one may feel that someone is applying pressure from the top, if the covering has been formed around one’s eyes, then one may feel appearance of a film or a curtain in front of the eyes, if the covering has been formed over chest or throat, one may feel obstruction in breathing/ suffocated.
1B. What does a person with the ability of perceiving the subtle dimension feel ?
To a person who has an ability to perceive subtle dimension, the person with negative energy covering appears blurred. If they approach, the persons with the subtle abilities experiences pressure, nausea, or a foul stench.
2. Extent of the negative energy covering
The subtle negative energy covering formed by distressing energies around a person extends for about 2 or 3 centimetres to 15 centimetres from the body. At times it can spread up to 2 to 3 metres from the body.
The extent of the covering can be understood by the person who understands subtle dimension by ‘feeling’ it using the palm. For assessing this, place your palm in front of the person with negative energy covering and walk towards the person from a distance. If the person with the negative energy covering also has ability to perceive subtle dimension, and if the covering around him has a span up to 30 to 40 centimetres, then that person can move their palm from a distance gradually towards self to understand the length of the covering.
3. Appearance of the negative energy covering
The subtle negative energy covering appears as a round ring around a person’s head, sometimes as a blindfold, sometimes as a thick blanket or sometimes like a rubbery layer (only on the front side of the person or only on one half of the person’s body or on complete body, at times dense or a thin layer).
4. Formation and spread of the negative energy covering
Generally, the distressing energies create subtle negative energy covering around one of the Kundalini chakras of a person and then they spread it to encompass the physical body of the person externally. Whenever the negative energy covering gets created around an organ, mostly it also gets created on the Kundalini chakra present at that location or on a nearby Kundalini chakra (e.g., if negative energy covering is created on the eyes, then Adnya chakra is also affected). At times the negative energy is formed externally only around the physical body and not around the associated Kundalini chakra. Whenever a negative energy covering gets created at the location of a Kundalini chakra then immense pressure is experienced at that place, however when the covering is also created externally around the physical body, then the person is unable to perceive the covering. However, they experience mental distress.
5. Examples of distress due to the negative energy covering
A person whose body or Kundalini chakras have a negative energy covering can experience various types of distresses such as
- Lack of comprehension
- Restlessness
- Surge of negative thoughts in mind
- Laziness
- Lack of desire to chant
- Lack of effect of spiritual remedies
At times the person also experiences immense pain in some part of the body or an increase in acidity etc.
Because of the negative energy covering, even if the person performs spiritual remedy using mudras and nyas for any amount of time, the sattvik vibrations of the spiritual remedy do not reach due to the presence of the covering, failing to alleviate the distress.
6. Effect of negative energy covering on the process of finding spiritual healing remedy through Pranshakti flow system
6 A. What does one perceive if there is a presence of a negative energy covering?
While finding the spiritual remedy for one’s own distress : When we move the fingers of our hand over the Kundalini chakras to find the location for performing nyas, the fingers can feel the negative energy covering created by negative energies. If the covering is light then our fingers move up over the Kundalini chakras, however at that time our Kundalini chakras do not experience the vibrations of vital energy emitting from our fingers. By forming a light negative energy covering around our physical body, the negative energies do not let us perceive the covering and misguide us. When the negative energy covering is dense, then it becomes difficult to move the fingers of our hand over the Kundalini chakras and we are able to understand the presence of some layer around our body. At times, we are just unable to move our fingers from the location where the negative energy covering is formed. (Paratpar Guru Dr. Athavale notes that if a lot of negative energy is present at the location of Kundalini chakras even then the fingers of our hand do not move over them.) Therefore, we are unable to find the location for performing the nyas.
6 A.1. What does one perceive in case of illusory covering and what should be done in such situation ?
Sometimes it also happens that despite the distress being experienced by us, when we move the fingers of our hand over Kundalini chakras to find out the location for performing nyas, we do not feel the obstruction anywhere, nor do we experience pressure on any of the chakras and, we do not perceive the presence of the negative energy covering as well. In such case it is possible that an illusory negative energy covering would have been formed around us. To eliminate this illusory negative energy covering, one should move one’s palm over the Kundalini chakras (similar to moving the fingers of our hand). With the nirgun (Non-materialised) vibrations emitted from one’s palm, the illusory covering gets eliminated and the subtle negative energy covering formed on one’s body starts to appear and one can then perceive this covering while moving the fingers of one’s hand over the chakras.
6 B. What does one perceive if a negative energy covering is present on the Kundalini chakras?
When a negative energy covering is formed around only one Kundalini chakra, then while moving the fingers of our hand over the location of the Kundalini chakra to find the spiritual remedy, our fingers do not feel the obstruction, however, we either feel difficultly in breathing or we experience pain at that location.
7 A. Pray
One should pray to one’s Deity of worship, “O Deity, by Your grace let me be able remove the negative energy covering around my body and let the negative energy distress experienced by me get eliminated rapidly. I pray at Your holy feet.”
7 B. Chant
One should chant the Name of one’s Deity of worship or Shrikrishna while removing the covering. By doing so we get the necessary assistance from the Deity due to which the covering gets eliminated faster, also we get protected from the distress inflicted by the negative energies upon us.
(While performing spiritual remedy after finding out the mudra, nyas and the healing chant, one should intermittently repeat that chant while removing the negative energy covering.)
7 C. Keep the eyes open
By doing this, the subtle negative energy covering gets eliminated rapidly as the Absolute Fire Principle emitted from our eyes aids in removal of the covering.
7 D. Gratitude
One should pay gratitude to one’s Deity of worship after removing the negative energy covering.
8. Method of removing the negative energy covering
8 A. To remove the negative energy covering around oneself
8 A. 1. Removing the covering with one’s hand or with the help of a sattvik item
A. When it is hot/warm we wave our hands to blow the air on ourselves to get some relief. Similarly you can use both hands to remove the negative energy covering. The vital energy emitted from our fingers assist in removal of the covering.
B. Sit down with the spine upright. The action is as if one is collecting the covering in the fist and throwing it away from the body.
C. Many seekers have also found that the negative energy covering reduces and is eliminated by using sattvik products like Sanatan Prabhat periodicals, bunch of peacock feathers, unlit sattvik incense stick etc. to remove the negative energy covering. You can move these items over your body in the same way that you would use your hands to remove the covering away from the body. The positive energy present in these sattvik products helps in eliminating the negative energy covering on our body.
8 A. 2. When removing the negative energy covering around one’s body, start further away from the body and then gradually move closer
When the span of the subtle negative energy covering around one’s body is up to 40 centimetres, one can remove it by oneself. This is because our hands can reach up to that distance. If the span of the covering is longer then one needs to take help of someone with good spiritual level and not having any spiritual distress for removing the negative energy covering. If no one else is available, then one should perform spiritual remedy by oneself for removing the covering.
When removing the negative energy covering by yourself, first stretch the hands and remove the negative energy covering from the outer layer. Then bring the hands slightly closer to the body and remove the covering from there. Then gradually bring the hands closer to the body and remove the covering near the body. In this way you should begin removing the covering from the outermost layer and then remove the covering up to the body. At each stage you should remove the covering for half a minute to one minute. The same method is applicable if another person is removing the negative energy covering from your body.
8 A. 3. Removing the negative energy covering from bottom to top in step-by-step manner
If the subtle negative energy covering has been formed only on one body part (e.g., chest) then you should remove the covering from that location as given above. However, if the covering has been formed on large part of the body (e.g., from head to chest) then it should be removed from bottom to the top in step-by-step manner. E.g., at first the negative energy covering around the chest should be removed for 2-3 minutes. While removing the covering, as mentioned above, one should remove it starting from outer layer of the covering and then gradually removing it from closer to the body. One should repeat this process at each step. Then one should move one’s fingers over the Kundalini chakras and find out the remaining span of the covering around the body. If the negative energy covering over the chest has reduced and the covering is now experienced only till the throat, then one should remove the negative energy covering from that location as mentioned above. In this manner one should remove the covering up to the head in step-by-step manner. Negative energies predominantly create negative energy covering around a person’s body from top to bottom, i.e., starting from Adnya chakra till the chakras on the lower side (at times it also happens in the reverse way). The negative energy covering is dense at the location from where the negative energies started to create the covering, and it becomes lighter farther from that location. It is easier to remove the lighter negative energy covering and hence you should start removing the covering from such location.
8 A. 4. Method for removing the subtle negative energy covering from Sahasrar chakra to Swadhisthan chakra, if one is unable to clearly determine if the negative energy covering is formed on oneself or not
If one is unable to clearly determine if negative energy covering has been formed around oneself or not as per the method given in the point 6 A above, then one should initiate the procedure of removing negative energy covering from each chakra from Sahasrar chakra till Swadhisthan chakra for 10-15 minutes. Thereafter, one should perform spiritual remedy of mudra, nyas and chanting or any other spiritual remedy. By doing so, if there is a negative energy covering around the body or chakras to some extent, it gets eliminated and it helps in subsequent spiritual remedies to be effective.
8 B. Removing the negative energy covering around Kundalini chakras
After removing the negative energy covering formed around the physical body, one should remove the negative energy covering formed around the Kundalini chakra (or chakras) at that location, in the same manner as one would remove the negative energy covering from the physical body. By doing this, the pressure experienced at the chakra reduces to some extent and it becomes bearable. Thereafter, for performing spiritual remedy on the chakra, one should follow the method of Pranashakti (Chetana) flow system and perform the mudra, nyas and chanting found through the method. By performing spiritual remedy through mudra, nyas and chanting on the chakra, the negative energy covering on the chakra gets eliminated completely and we feel lighter.
(Whenever we experience a lot of pressure at a particular chakra, due to the high amount of negative energy at that location the vibrations of mudra, nyas and chanting are unable to reach the chakra. Hence it is necessary to remove the negative energy covering from that place to some extent and then subsequently with the spiritual remedy of mudra, nyas and chanting, found by above method, the negative energy covering gets completely eliminated.)
8 B. 1. If there is high amount of negative energy covering around Adnya chakra and Anahat chakra causing distress in breathing, then one should first eliminate the negative energy covering from the Adnya chakra
Many times, negative energy covering gets formed on Adnya chakra and Anahat chakra of the seekers. When this negative energy covering is in large proportion, then the seekers experience distress in breathing. In this context it has been noticed that the primary location of attack of the negative energies is the Adnya chakra and they create a hold at that location and direct their distressing energy over Anahat chakra causing obstruction in breathing. In such situation, if one begins to remove the negative energy covering from the Anahat chakra first, it does not have any effect in reducing distress. This is because the negative energies have created a strong hold on the Adnya chakra. On the contrary, if the negative energy covering from Adnya chakra is removed first, the hold created by negative energies at Adnya chakra begins to get destroyed and they are then unable to direct distressing energy on the Anahat chakra. By doing this, the negative energy covering formed on Anahat chakra automatically gets eliminated and the seeker can then breathe properly.
9. Ensure there is no negative energy covering on self before performing spiritual remedy
One should ensure absence of subtle negative energy covering around oneself before performing spiritual remedy of chanting or repeating of mantras etc. If negative energy covering is present, one should eliminate it before performing spiritual healing remedies.
10. Intermittently check if negative energies have created a subtle negative energy covering
Those having spiritual distress should check the presence of subtle negative energy covering around themselves 2 – 3 times in an hour. To do this, move the fingers (held like a cup facing inwards) from Swadhisthan to Sahasrar chakra and back to Swadhisthan chakra. Repeat this 2 to 3 times. This activity only takes around 1 to 2 minutes. Those without any spiritual distress should intermittently check during the day and confirm the absence of negative energy covering around them. If you detect presence of negative energy covering, then they should remove it promptly.
– (H.H.) Dr. Mukul Gadgil, Goa
Negative energies : Both benevolent and negative energies are active in the environment. Benevolent energies assist human beings in good deeds and on contrary negative energies cause distress to human beings. There are various stories in our Holy texts regarding the obstructions caused by demons in the sacrificial fires by the Sages during ancient times. In Atharvaveda, there are various mentions of mantras for preventing negative energies e.g., demons, spirits of deceased persons etc., as well as black magic. Various spiritual remedies have been mentioned in Holy texts such as Vedas for eliminating the distress caused by negative energies.