How to fall asleep fast?

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At some point of time you may have done an internet search for how to fall asleep fast or how to catch some sound sleep. Depending on one’s nature and physical state, there are certain tips you can follow to fall asleep quickly and have a peaceful night.

Your prakruti is a factor in your sleep quality

Ayurveda tells us that we are made of Vata, Pitta and Kapha doshas. Each of us has a combination of these three doshas, but the most prominent dosha dictates our prakruti or personality.

If you have Vata personality, you should sleep this way

The properties of dryness, cold, light, and movement characterise Vata. All movements in the body are due to properties of vata. Individuals with vata personality should try to sleep on their back. This activates the Sushumna nadi resulting in a flow of Chaitanya (Divine consciousness) throughout the body reducing the vata (in the form of wind). If you do not experience any benefit by sleeping on your back, then sleep on your right or left side. Warm vibrations (due to Surya nadi), cool vibrations (due to Chandra nadi) and pleasant vibrations spread through the body due to Sushumna nadi pacifying the excess vata. This will help you fall asleep quickly. Explore which side works for you best and try to stick to that side while sleeping.

If you have Pitta personality, you should sleep this way

Pitta represents metabolism, characterised by heat, moistness, liquid, sharpness and sourness. Individuals with pitta personality should sleep on their right side. This inactivates the Surya nadi. The Chandra nadi becomes functional spreading cool vibrations throughout the body. This will reduce the heat due to excessive pitta and help you fall asleep fast.

If you have Kapha personality, you should sleep this way

Kapha is the watery element, characterised by heaviness, coldness, tenderness, softness, slowness, lubrication, and the carrier of nutrients. Individuals with kapha personality should sleep on their left side. This inactivates your Chandra nadi and activates the Surya nadi. This spreads heat throughout your body which nullifies the increase in coldness due to excessive kapha helping you fall asleep quickly.

Not falling asleep because you feel bloated, breathless?


In case of weak digestion, you should sleep on the left side of the body for some time. Since most of the stomach lies on the left side, sleeping on the left side improves blood supply to the stomach and aids digestion. Also by sleeping on the left side the Chandra nadi becomes inactive and Surya nadi becomes functional which ignites the gastric heat. This facilitates digestion and helps you fall asleep.


If you are experiencing distress due to asthma, then sleep on the left side of the body. This inactivates the Chandra nadi, and activates the Surya nadi. The rising heat in the body causing the kapha in the respiratory track to reduce. This reduces the distress caused by asthma. The person thereby is able to sleep peacefully.

Harness the power of Mudras to fall asleep

Types of distress On which side should one sleep on? Which mudra should be performed?
1. As per personality
1 A. Increase in vata On the back Touch the tip of the forefinger to the tip of the thumb (mudra of Absolute Air Principle)
1 B. Increase in pitta Right side Touch the tip of the thumb to the base of the ring finger (mudra of Absolute Water Principle)
1 C. Increase in kapha Left side Touch the tip of the thumb to the base of the middle finger (mudra of Absolute Fire Principle)
2. Other ailments
2 A. Indigestion Left side Touch the tip of the thumb to the base of the middle finger (mudra of Absolute Fire Principle)
2 B. High blood pressure Right side Touch the tip of the thumb to the base of the ring finger (mudra of Absolute Water Principle)
2 C. Low blood pressure Left side Touch the tip of the thumb to the base of the middle finger (mudra of Absolute Fire Principle)
2 D. Asthma Left side Touch the tip of the thumb to the base of the middle finger (mudra of Absolute Fire Principle)
3. Spiritual distress Left side or right side or on the back Find the mudra associated with one of five Cosmic Principles which will reduces the distress and use it*

*You can learn this simple self healing method by reading up on it in the following article. – Performing upay (Spiritual remedies) on the obstructions in the flow of Pranashakti

— Ms. Madhura Bhosale (Knowledge received from the subtle), Sanatan Ashram, Ramnathi, Goa. (21.11.2021)

Chandra Nadi, Surya Nadi, Sushumna Nadi and how they affect us

Sadguru (Dr.) Mukul Gadgil, Ph.D.

We have three Nadi (channel) spiritual energy flow systems in our body.

1. Chandra nadi (Moon channel) is located on our the left side

2. Surya nadi (Sun channel) on the right side

3. Sushumna nadi is the central channel which extends from the base of the spine to the top of the head.

Swarodaya shastra is an ancient Indian science of swara (the sound or note). It revolves around the concept of breath and its relationship with the various aspects of life. It is also known as Phonetical Astrology or the sound of one’s own breath. As per Swarodaya shastra an obstacle in the Chandra nadi activates the Surya nadi and an obstacle in the Surya nadi activates the Chandra nadi. When Surya nadi is active, our right side is more active. Conversely, when we sleep on the right side, movements are restricted and the Surya nadi becomes inactive, activating the Chandra nadi. When we sleep on our left side, our Chandra nadi becomes inactive and the Surya nadi gets activated.

Other methods to activate specific Nadis

Simply using a cotton ball to close either ear can replicate this effect. Inserting a cotton ball in the right ear activates the Chandra nadi and inserting one in the left ear activates the Surya nadi. We see that women pierce their left nostril to wear a nose ring, or they wear an ornament called Chhalla on the left side of the waist. The primary reason is to activate their Surya nadi. Similarly, when men wear dhotar-uparna for any ritual, the uparna is draped on the left shoulder. The dhotar is a traditional Indian single piece garment worn under the waist by men. The uparna is a shawl or a small piece of cloth that is worn loosely on the shoulder. This also helps in activating the Surya nadi as required for the ritual.

– Sadguru (Dr.) Mukul Gadgil, Ph.D, Goa.
And don’t forget to try some more tips from our Sound Sleep Archives. Click Here!

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