Aspects related to Saturn in astrology and vastushastra

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In this article we are going to see the effects of Saturn in the context of astrology and vastushastra. Introspection, rigorous spiritual practice, penance, detachment, renunciation etc. are the attributes that come under the control of Saturn. Directions have huge significance in vastushastra. Saturn is the ruling planet of the West direction. As per Numerology, number 8 falls under the control of Saturn.

Mrs. Prajakta Joshi, Maharshi Adhyatma Vishwavidyalaya


1. Similarities between astrology and vastushastra

As per vastushastra, various Indian sciences such as astrology, vastushastra, ayurveda, religious rituals, science of music, science of auspicious time etc. are interconnected with each other. Every science has some reference to the other sciences. All Indian philosophies give importance to what is shreyas (Beneficial) and they advise only such things irrespective of whether you like them or not. It insists on telling you what is beneficial and good for you; e.g. rules in ayurveda or various religious matters. Today’s modern science, however, recommends only what is preyas (Pleasing to the senses).

It is possible to study from the horoscope of an individual if it will own a house; when will the individual own the house, will there be any obstacles in enjoying the ownership etc. Many times, there are similarities in the direction shown in a horoscope and that of the premises. It is more appropriate to study one’s premises through the medium of a horoscope. A horoscope can tell which direction of the premises have distress/deficiencies.


2. Significance of Saturn as per vastushastra

Indian vastushastra has a tradition of 18 Maharshis. There is a detailed elucidation of vastushastra in the holy books such as Rugveda, Atharvaveda, Matsyapuran, Agnipuran, Manasaram, Samarangan Sutradhar, Aparajit Prucchah, Manushyalay Chandrika, etc. Our house has an effect on our body and mind. Indian vastushastra has given due consideration to various aspects such as availability of light, air circulation, quality of construction, beauty, health, and material happiness and prosperity. Principles of every direction affect our physical and mental health. Vastushastra is the science of directions and energies.

Every object and room has a definite direction under vastushastra. One has to give due consideration to the associated energies that are in the form of Deities while thinking about the places associated with the Deities in Vastupurushmandal. Amongst the ten directions, Saturn is the ruler of the West.


3. As per vastushastra, what should be placed
in the west direction which is associated with Saturn?

A. As per vastushastra, the west side of the house should be at a higher level because negative inauspicious rays enter from the west side. If the west is at higher level and there is a slope on the east side, the dominance of positive rays coming from the east increases and they remain in the premises for a long time.

B. While constructing a house, if the compound wall on the west side and the south side of the house is built first, then there is no delay experienced during the construction.

C. While constructing the compound wall, if the main gate is on the west side, then if it is in the fourth Pushadant part and in the fifth Varun part of the west side then it is most beneficial.

D. There should be only as many windows on the west side as are necessary and they should be of small size.

E. As per ‘Mayamatamkar’, it is good to have the dining room on the west side.

F. If an overhead water tank is required to be kept on the west side, it can be kept in the centre of the Varun part of the west side.

G. The furniture and loft must be placed either on the west or the south wall.

H. It is good to have Ashwath (Peepul) tree on the west side.


4. Bedroom should not be on the west side!

Saturn is the master of the west direction and also a factor of Absolute Air Principle. It has adverse effects like getting into depression, minor issues leading to disturbed mind, constant change in thoughts, instability etc. All these things affect relations between husband and wife and create problems in the married life.

Utilizing the natural energy to the fullest, is the main aim of Indian vastushastra. Not paying attention to the directions and their effects can result in ill health, leading to hardships in life, failures, bad relationships, etc. For deriving happiness from any premises, it is necessary to perform ritualistic worship and religious rituals regularly in our premises. Also one should pay respect to the elders and try to inculcate good traits. If people bear spiritual emotion that the premises they reside in is a temple or our Guru’s ashram; devoid of any ego, then they would derive happiness and peace in the premises.

– Mrs Prajakta Joshi, Astrologer, ‘Vaastu-expert’, Numerology-expert, Gemologist, ‘Ashtak-varga Expert’, Certified dowser, Ramal Pandit, Hand-writing expert, psychoanalyst, Maharshi Adhyatma Vishwavidyalaya, Ramnathi, Ponda, Goa

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