1.The prayer and chanting to be done
by the seeker whose evil eye has to be cast off
1A. Prayer to be made before casting off the evil eye
‘O God You are getting the mission of establishing a Divine Kingdom from us. To accomplish it as soon as possible free me and other seekers from disease and endow us with good health and life, this is my prayer at Your Holy feet.’
1B. The chant to be performed when casting off the evil eye
Shri Vishnave Namaha
2. The prayer and chanting to be done
by the seeker who will cast off the evil eye
2A. The prayer to be made before casting off the evil eye
‘O God may I be able to cast off the evil eye of this seeker completely, with spiritual emotion and with total surrender unto You. May I be able to contribute in a small way towards establishing a Divine Kingdom through performing of this ritual. When performing this ritual please protect me is my earnest prayer at Your Holy feet.’
2B. The chant to be performed when performing the ritual of casting off the evil eye
Shri Vishnave Namaha
– Sadguru (Dr.) Mukul Gadgil, Sanatan ashram, Ramnathi, Goa
Very nice and scientific explanation.
I had a question :
If you get foul smell and know the casting off of evil eye, then how often you should repeat the procedure?
=and is there any significance of day or tithi?
– and particular time?
Thank you for the kind words of appreciation.
– If it is possible and in case of severe distress, cast off the evil-eye at hourly intervals, else there is a possibility of re-emergence of the distress during the interim period. When casting off is done every hour, the proportion of repeated deposition of black energy reduces.
– Evil eye remedy should be done for 3 consecutive days.
– It is often observed that the spiritual distress increases generally on amavasya, pournima, eclipses etc. On these days, if you also experience distress then you can do the remedy.
– Evening time during sunset is best suitable for doing this remedy.
Dear Sir,
I am really happy to find lot of things related to Santana dharma on your website. Thank you for your service.
I just want to explain a few things from past 4 years that I am suffering with.
I can’t remember things, there is no connection between things that happen around me. Sometimes it feels like if it is a dream. I have feeling like heavy weights on head along with cloudy feeling. I have severe irritation and anger at times.
I have severe fear during sleep and I feel that it is entire different world. Once I wake up, I forget everything that happened in my sleep but I can remember the feeling of getting super afraid.
Nothing changed from past 4 years except the severity of this problem. But 3-4 times, when I visited temple and tie holy thread to my hand, all the problem in head is getting vanished for 1 hour and it is coming back with in an hour ( all the heavy head, irritation, cloudiness, forgetfulness is coming back).
Can you tell me what to do about this issue? Is this any thing related to black magic or evil eye? Sir please suggest.
Report says there is nothing in MRI, few medicines that doctor prescribed is not at all working. New problems are arising with the medication.
You can try the evil eye casting off remedy as per your convenience. Various methods of casting off evil eye are given on the following link – https://www.sanatan.org/en/a/category/spiritual-problems/spiritual-healing/evil-eye
If nobody else is there to cast off evil eye upon you, then you can perform the remedy on yourself mentally. (link – https://www.sanatan.org/en/a/106813.html)
While sleeping if you are experiencing distress, we request you to try the empty box remedy. This remedy is explained on the following link – https://www.sanatan.org/en/a/category/survive-during-the-adverse-times/survival-techniques/spiritual-remedies-using-empty-boxes
Please let us know your experience, after trying the above 2 remedies for 1 week. You can write to us at [email protected]
Such a beautifully explained article. I’ll try this for my daughter who is only 2.5 years old and seems to be afflicted by the evil eye.
My question – what’s the truth about mothers casting off evil eye of their own children. I always heard people saying someone other than mother should do it.
Thank you for contacting us. Yes it is beneficial if someone other than the mother performs the ritual of removing the evil-eye. However, if no one else is available, then it is okay for you to do it.
And while you are here, may we recommend some books on instilling the right Sanskars in your child? These books are available on our online store – https://sanatanshop.com/shop/english-books/hindu-dharma-and-sanskar/parenting/
Warm regards,
Sanatan Sanstha