Drinking water while eating

1. Placing a vessel of water on
the left side while having a meal
and drinking water with the left hand

 A. Placing a vessel of water on the left side while eating

In the earlier times, it was customary to place a vessel of water on the left side and commence eating only after praying. Flow of Chaitanya (Divine consciousness) from the universe, which would get activated while praying, would move first towards the all-encompassing water and then in appropriate measure to the food and the body ofthe individual. Nowadays, many people eat food without drinking water. This is incorrect; the action of eating food without drinking water cannot be termed as Purnabrahman. Chaitanya that gets activated from the water makes the act of eating Purnabrahman.

 B. Drinking water with the left hand

By placing a glass of water on the left side, which is the side of tarak-nadi (Saviourchannel) & drinking water with the left hand represents adequate participation of the left nadi, which is conducive to the activation of nirgun(Non-materialised) waves.


2. Why should we avoid drinking
water with the hand used for eating ?

Never touch the glass of water with the hand used for eating; because the desire-vibrations of our wishes that have spread into the food then spread into the water, thus making it impure.


3. Why should we drink water
at regular intervals while eating ?

By drinking water at regular intervals while eating, the Raja-Tama-predominant subtle-gases released in the body cavity get eliminated upon coming into contact with the Divine water and thus, this process of eating becomes a Yadnyakarma at each step.


4. Benefit of drinking water by holding
the glass of water with the left hand and
supporting it with the backside of the right hand

While eating food, the glass of water is held with the left hand and is supported with the backside of the right hand. With the mudra so formed, fingers of the right hand are towards the earth. Consequently, the attacks of distressing waves from the ground are prevented through the medium of the Panchatattva(Five Cosmic Principles) waves emitted by the fingers. Thus, the process of drinking water becomes free of Raja-Tama components.


5. The reason for not drinking water
by raising the neck in the upward direction

Do not drink water by raising the neck and holding the tumbler at a distance from the mouth; because the water glass is narrow at the top and this portion is in contact with the external environment to a greater extent than its lower portion.While raising the neck in the upward direction and drinking water from the tumbler by tilting it slightly downwards, the Raja-Tama-predominant gases in the mouth create an impure (air) environment on the upper portion of the glass. When the water flows into the mouth by coming in contact with this environment, the other waste gases within the void of the mouth get activated and mix with the water, thus making us drink polluted water.


6. Why is it useful to drink water
by touching the lips to the glass ?

Drinking water by making contact of the lips with the glass while sitting in one place, the void of the mouth does not come into contact with the external environment. It comes into contact with only the void of the glass that contains water.Thus, upon contact with water that is inherently Divine, the waste Raja-Tama-predominant gases (in the mouth) get destroyed in the mouth itself. While entering the stomach, this water cleanses the voids in the body due to its peaceful and nirgun flow. Thus,while drinking water, all the subtle-bodies get cleansed.


7. Reason for avoiding making
a gulping sound while drinking water 

The distressing sound generated while gulping water attracts distressing waves from the environment. Thus, the entire process of drinking water spreads Raja-Tama-predominant waves into the body.

Reference: Sanatan’s Holy Text “Conducts during and after meals”

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