Brahmi churna

This medicine is sheeta (Cool) in nature and is famous as a tonic for increasing memory power. Although its usage is mentioned here, the treatment may differ according to the physical constitution, region, season and other ailments.

Punarnava churna

This medicine rejuvenates the body; hence, it is called ‘Punarnava’ in Sanskrut. This medicine is sheeta (Cool) in nature and pacifies Pitta and Kapha. Although its usage is mentioned here, the treatment may differ according to the physical constitution, region, season and other ailments.

Amalaki churna

This medicine is sheeta (Cool) in nature and maintains a balance between Vata, Pitta and Kapha. Although its usage is mentioned here, the treatment may differ according to the physical constitution, region, season and other ailments.

Corona and effect of Agnihotra

There is no study on whether Agnihotra destroys Coronavirus but it reduces the number of bacteria. It should, therefore, be found out at the earliest whether ‘Agnihotra’ reduces not only the bacteria but also the virus.

Healthy oil from a wooden mill

As against this oil milled in a wooden mill is extremely pure, chemical free and healthy. Bedsides it is produced in a natural way, as prescribed in the scriptures. It smells of pure oil and is sticky as it contains 4 to 5 types of vitamins. As there is minimum friction in a wooden mill not a single natural component from it is lost.