Spiritual remedies – a must for changing India’s destiny

It is nearly impossible to change destiny of an individual. If at all it is to be changed, one has to perform extensive spiritual practice. In that case, how can India’s destiny be changed by making efforts at physical, mental and psychological levels? It can be done only through spiritual level efforts, which means it … Read more

Limit of ungratefulness

Just as we drink mother’s milk, we also drink cow’s milk; hence, cow is called Gomata (mother cow). Under such conditions killing cow is like killing mother. It is the limit of ungratefulness. – Sachchidananda Parabrahman (Dr) Jayant Athavale

Governments from Independence till date responsible for the suicides by citizens

In western countries there is no derth of food-clothing-shelter; yet, people there commit suicide because of mental disorders. Conversely, the Governments from Independence till date have not been able to fulfill even the fundamental needs of food-clothing-shelter of Indian citizens and hence, they commit suicide. To prevent this, the ‘Hindu Rashtra’ is a must. – … Read more

Indispensability of Dharma-based Hindu Rashtra

In India, malpractices are widespread; demoniacal attitudes have gained strength as the government and parents do not teach morality and code of conduct since childhood. As a result, the instances of rapes, corruption, various crimes, traitors to the Nation and Dharma are on the rise and consequently, the Nation has regressed to a great extent. … Read more

Meaning of the system of ashrams in Hindu Dharma !

Hindu Dharma advises system of Varnashram (Varna +Ashram). Here Varna means Path of spiritual practice and not caste. There are four ashrams viz., 1. Brahmacharyashram, 2. Gruhasthashram, 3. Vanaprasthashram and 4. Sanyasashram. Their respective meanings are : 1. Observing celibacy, 2. Leading family life, 3. Renouncing Gruhasthashram and staying in forest with attitude of an … Read more

Why only Hindu Dharma has many Deities ?

Many non-Hindus tease Hindus, ‘If there is only one God, how come there are so many Deities in your Dharma ?’ These ignorant individuals do not realise that Hindu Dharma is an absolute Dharma among all religions. If we consider the example of western Medical science, we will realise that initially there were limited medicines … Read more

Science associated with having thousands of Scriptures in Hindu Dharma

Will it be ever possible to describe the infinitely infinite Supremo of the Universe in a single Text, as done in other religions ? This is the precise reason why there are thousands of Scriptures in Hindu Dharma. They give the comprehensive information. – Sachchidananda Parabrahman (Dr) Athavale

Hindu Dharma is better off without such Hindus !

‘When a Hindu converts (to other religions) it is not to seek self-realisation, but to enjoy economic benefits. Hindu Dharma is better off without such people!’ – Sachchidananda Parabrahman (Dr) Jayant Athavale