Importance of Science of Acupressure

Saints have predicted that during the impending World War lll, lakhs of people will die due to nuclear radiation. In future, natural calamities will also be on the rise. During an adversity, the communication breaks down. It becomes difficult to take patients to a hospital, contact some doctor or buy medicines. Through Acupressure therapy and Reflexology, a patient is treated by applying pressure to specific pressure points. These methods eliminate obstacles in the flow of chetana-shakti in the patient’s body. These methods of treatment will be helpful not only during emergencies but at other times too; for, they will make everyone self-sufficient and confident.


1. Introduction to the science of Acupressure

A. Flow of chetana within the body and pressure-points

There is a constant flow of chetana in our body similar to the flow of electric current. Just like the wire and switch in an electrical circuit, there are paths of chetana flow and specific points (similar to switches) in circuit of the flow of chetana. By applying pressure to these points, the flow of chetana in our body can be controlled. These points are called pressure-points,and are associated with specific organs in the body.

B. Diseases are caused due to obstacles in the path of chetana

Whenever there are obstacles in the flow of chetana,which always keeps flowing, problems arise in the functioning of the organs that leads to diseases. In most cases it is the inappropriate diet and inappropriate habits that bring about obstacles in the function of chetana.

C. Acupressure eliminates the obstacles in the path
of chetana, which results in elimination of the disease

God has created an amazing system of curing diseases in the human body without the aid of medicines. Upon applying pressure to the specific points that control the flow of chetana, an immediate signal is sent to the brain for elimination of the disease. Accordingly, the entire body begins to function on its own to remove the obstacles in the flow of chetana, and the disease is cured.

D. Acupressure and Reflexology

In Acupressure therapy,pressure-points on the entire body are used for diagnosing and treating a disease. Reflexology is very much a branch of Acupressure therapy. The only difference is that in Reflexology the pressure-points on the palms and soles are used for diagnosis and treatment. Reflexology is also known as ‘Zone therapy’.


2. Special features of Acupressure therapy

A. Self-treatment without the use of medicines

This method of treatment uses no medicines. A patient is diagnosed and treated only by application of pressure to the pressure-points on the body.The best part of this therapy is that the patient can treat himself.

B. Beneficial for all

This treatment is extremely beneficial for the people in all fields and for people of all age groups. By practicing Acupressure regularly, everyone can increase his/her capacity and thereby be happy in life in the true sense.

C. Helpful in maintaining the balance
of vata (Gas), pitta (Bile) and kapha (Phlegm)

According to Ayurveda, human body has three doshas (Deficiencies or flaws) in the form of vata, pitta and kapha. Whenever the three are in a balanced state, the individual is healthy. When the balance is disturbed, diseases overwhelm our body. Vata is essential for all the movements within the body. When the balance of vata is disturbed, there are muscle cramps, the individual slows down and muscle pain starts.Pitta is essential for digestion. If the balance of the pitta is disturbed, indigestion is the result. Kapha plays the role of a lubricant in the human body. Wet cough, asthma, as also ailments of the throat and chest are signs of imbalance of kapha. Regular Acupressure therapy helps maintain the balance of the three and hence, good health is a natural consequence.

D. Assistance in improving digestion

Balance of vata, pittaand kapha primarily depends on the digestive system. Acupressure helps improve the digestive system. In the present day situations,over-eating seems to the cause of diseases in most cases.Acupressure every day brings about control over eating, which inturn prevents accumulation of unwanted fat; besides, it also curbs greed, lust in the mind.

Reference : Sanatan’s Holy Text – “Reflexology (Acupressure points on the hands and feet)”

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