In 2011, Paratpar Guru (Dr.) Athavale’s slippers of daily use developed a pink strip in the centre from the front to aft. After about 8-10 days, the pink shade started developing in the front portion where His toes come into contact with the slippers. This portion also emitted a peculiar fragrance. Given here are the reasons |

1. Congregation of Priti-signifying
waves in the middle portion of the slipper
Upon placing feet on the slippers, the Priti-signifying waves congregated in the void formed in the middle portion of the feet; consequently, the middle portion started appearing pink.
2. The scope of the mission of the Priti-signifying waves increasing
As the scope of the mission increased, these waves started emitting from the rear side of the foot as well; hence, the same pink strip began to extend from the front to the rear portion.
3. Pink shade developing in the portion where the toes rest on the slippers
Large-scale emission of Priti-signifying waves commenced from the toes for the benefit of society. As a result, the front portion of the slippers (where the toes rest) developed shades of pink.
4. The emission of Priti-signifying waves
through the Holy feet signify the starting of the land
becoming spiritually fertile for the forthcoming Divine Kingdom
Large-scale emission close to the land and at the level of Pruthvitattva (Absolute Earth Principle) of Priti-signifying waves through the medium of Holy feet leads to large-scale sowing of the seeds of the Priti Principle. This results in the development of a spiritually fertile land for the Divine Kingdom.
5. Birth of good seekers
Birth of good seekers Subsequently, the jivas (Embodied souls) born on such a land are good seekers by birth.
6. The taraktattva (Saviour Principle) functioning
through the medium of sweet fragrance in pink, and its effects
6.A. Pink has a sweet fragrance inherently. This sweet fragrance is associated with the taraktattva (Saviour Principle).
6.B. Seekers’ bhav (Spiritual emotion) increases with the help of this taraktattva. This in turn enhances their yearning for God-realisation.
6.C. With the yearning for God-realisation getting enhanced, the seekers are able to help in getting protection during the adverse times.
– Shrichitshakti (Mrs.) Anjali Gadgil, Sanatan Ashram, Ponda, Goa.
Individual spiritual experiences of seekers published here are according to the Principle – ‘Where there is bhav (Spiritual emotion), there is God’. It is not that every individual will have similar experiences. |