1. Paratpar Guru (Dr.) Athavale and the mission of Sadgurus to re-establish Dharma
1A. Mention of re-establishment of Dharma by Sanatan
Sanstha’s Gurus in various Nadi-pattis written by several Sages
Nadi-reading has been done over 200 times for Sanatan Sanstha through Jeevanadipattis. Apart from this, Nadipattis written by Sages in Kaushik Nadi, Bhrugu Nadi, Shiva Nadi, Vasishtha Nadi, Kakbhujand Nadi and Atri Nadi have mentioned that 3 Gurus of Sanatan – Satchidanand Parabrahman (Dr.) Jayant Athavale as the Incarnation of Shri Vishnu and Shrisatshakti (Mrs.) Binda Singbal & Shrichitshakti (Mrs.) Anjali Gadgil as ‘Shri Vishnu’s Shakti’, meaning, the Incarnation of Shri Mahalakshmi.
In addition, majority of the Nadipattis written by Sages and Ascetics mention that 3 Gurus of Sanatan will re-establish Dharma.
‘Re-establishing Dharma’ is not a revolution in some country; it is the change brought about by God as a Divine play for the functioning of the Universe.
1B. Despite the lack of any financial, social and political support,
re-establishing of Dharma by 3 Gurus of Sanatan is possible only because they are Incarnations
Founder of Sanatan Sanstha, Paratpar Guru (Dr.) Athavale, is 79-years-old (in the physical dimension). His spiritual successors – Shrisatshakti (Mrs.) Binda Singbal and Shrichitshakti (Mrs.) Anjali Gadgil – were housewives.
Sanatan Sanstha is a small organisation with a few thousand seekers. It does not have any financial, social, political or other support. The seekers of Sanatan are ordinary as well.
Shriram was a king and had soldiers, other kings at hands and arms. Shrikrushna too was a king and Pandavs belonged to a Royal family. They too had soldiers, arms, assistance of other kings, wealth, etc.
Any seeker may wonder how the Gurus of Sanatan Sanstha will re-establish Dharma without any of these aspects ? And so, the need to refer to Paratpar Guru (Dr.) Athavale and the two Sadgurus as Incarnations just for the seekers.
1C. Since Incarnations are not bound by any restrictions in the
subtle dimension, they can work in the subtle dimension and remain Omnipresent
‘Avatar’ (Incarnation) has originated from the word ‘Avataru’, which means ‘to hold’. When a Deity takes Avatar on earth, its original form remains in His / Her abode while it is just present in the physical form on earth.
The Incarnation is Omnipresent in the 14 worlds and continues to work everywhere while being physically on the earth. Though the Incarnation has limitations in the physical dimension, but not in the subtle dimension; hence, an Incarnation is present subtly at various places at the same time and even continues to function there.
Sanatan’s Gurus are in a similar state. Even though they reside in Ramnathi Ashram in the physical dimension, their subtle work is going on on a large scale. Their subtle mission is infinite, though it remains invisible. Their physical characteristics are visible; however, their infinite subtle characteristics go unnoticed by humans due to their own Maya.
1D. Negative energies are most active in the subtle dimension when compared
with the physical dimension in Kaliyug, and currently, the earth is under their control
Negative energies are mostly active in the physical dimension in Satyayug, Tretayug and Dwaparyug; however, it they are most active in the subtle dimension in Kaliyug. The negative energies are always illusory. They either oppose Dharma or violate the restrictions laid down by Dharma, thus making new laws. They have taken control of the world using their craftiness through humans in the past 2,000 years.
Today, the earth is in their control. Powerful and subtle negative energies might be active in humans who destroy nature, start a quarrel within different groups of people and exploit the weak people, women and others.
Embodied souls from Maharlok, Janalok and Tapalok take birth on the earth to pass on the pure seed of Dharma, meaning, pure Knowledge to the coming generations through Sanatan’s Texts
The Incarnate mission of Paratpar Guru (Dr.) Athavale and the 2 Sadgurus does not end only with this War. The Incarnations are active till the pure seed of Dharma is sown on the earth. Paratpar Guru (Dr.) Athavale and Sanatan’s Texts are just like ‘Shriram and Ramayan’ and ‘Shrikrushna and Geeta – Bhagawat’. Sanatan’s Holy texts are in fact Scriptures ! These Texts will guide the coming generations to pure Dharma. However, higher embodied souls are required to take the pure Knowledge in Sanatan’s Holy texts to the third and fourth generations.
In the future, thousands of higher embodied souls from Maharlok, Janalok and Tapalok will take birth at various places on the earth by the grace of Paratpar Guru (Dr.) Athavale. These higher embodied souls will impart Knowledge provided by the Incarnations to the coming generations and a Divine Sanatan Dharmarajya will be established on earth !
All seekers pray at the Holy feet of Paratpar Guru (Dr.) Athavale, Shrisatshakti (Mrs.) Binda Singbal and Shrichitshakti (Mrs.) Anjali Gadgil – “May we constantly realise that we are just mediums and puppets in God’s hands, and may He allow us to serve You till our last breath”.
– Mr. Vinayak Shanbhag, Sanatan Ashram, Ramnathi, Goa. (5.5.2021)
2. Incarnate mission of Paratpar Guru (Dr.) Athavale and the 2 Sadgurus

2A. Paratpar Guru (Dr.) Athavale reducing the power of negative
energies in the seventh lower negative region of the Universe
In the past 20 years, Paratpar Guru (Dr.) Athavale has been fighting a battle against subtle negative energies, which is unparalleled.
He has subtly destroyed all the illusory energies that are active in the subtle dimension in the seventh lower negative region. Sanatan’s seekers were a Divine medium in this battle. Gurudev has already won 90% of this battle. He has reduced the power of illusory negative energies to such an extent that they will not rise for at least the next 1,000 years.
2B. Shrisatshakti (Mrs.) Binda Singbal showing the
glory of Incarnate Paratpar Guru (Dr.) Athavale to seekers
Paratpar Guru (Dr.) Athavale asked Shrisatshakti (Mrs.) Binda Singbal to guide all seekers in the world about Spirituality while guiding seekers in Ramnathi Ashram. Incarnations can never rest without emancipating the seekers. Shriram emancipated the Sages, their wives, apes, demons and ordinary people. Shrikrushna emancipated Gopis, Pandavs and Kouravs and many devotees.
“Similarly, Paratpar Guru (Dr.) Athavale has Incarnated to emancipate the seekers”, says Shrisatshakti (Mrs.) Binda Singbal to seekers in Her sweet voice and through Her actions. There is no other way to learn of this Divine truth except through Shrisatshakti (Mrs.) Binda Singbal, who in fact is Shri Vishnu’s Divine Energy. The truth is, She will not rest until She takes faithful seekers to Shri Vishnu’s Holy feet.
2C. Shrichitshakti (Mrs.) Anjali Gadgil’s visits to places where
God has kept His power and awaken the Principles of Deities there
Paratpar Guru (Dr.) Athavale sent Shrichitshakti (Mrs.) Anjali Gadgil on a spiritual tour. In Sanatan, She is known as the ‘seeker who obtains subtle knowledge’. In the past 9 years, She has visited thousands of pilgrimage places for darshan. She has visited most of the important places where Incarnations existed as mentioned in the Ramayan, Mahabharat, Shrimadbhagawat and Puranas.
One characteristic of God is – He never wastes Energy. He keeps His Energy on earth for Incarnations in the future and missions. Now, Paratpar Guru (Dr.) Athavale is activating this Energy through Shrichitshakti (Mrs.) Anjali Gadgil. ‘Hindu Rashtra’ will be established after this Divine Energy gets activated. Negative energies have created a covering of distressful energy around the pilgrimage places using humans as a medium. There is no doubt that the negative vibrations will leave these places after Shrichitshakti (Mrs.) Anjali Gadgil’s visits. She is in fact Shri Vishnu’s Energy.
– Mr. Vinayak Shanbhag, Sanatan Ashram, Goa.
Thousands of higher embodied souls from Maharlok, Janalok and Tapalok will take birth at various places on the earth by the grace of Paratpar Guru (Dr.) Athavale !
Individual spiritual experiences of seekers published here are according to the Principle – ‘Where there is bhav (Spiritual emotion), there is God’. It is not that every individual will have similar experiences.
Subtle : Individual spiritual experiences of seekers published here are according to the Principle – ‘Where there is bhav (Spiritual emotion), there is God’. It is not that every individual will have similar experiences. Spiritual distress : This means that the individual has negative vibrations. If the individual has more than 50% negative vibrations, it denotes ‘severe’ distress. If the negative vibrations are between 30 and 49%, it denotes ‘moderate’ distress; if the negative vibrations are less than 30%, it denotes ‘mild’ distress. Spiritual distress is caused by spiritual reasons such as destiny, distress due to departed ancestors, etc. |