Satsang 13 : A-2 auto suggestion method

We are constantly having thoughts in our mind. The functions of the mind are Sankalpa-Vikalpa (thoughts and choice). The response given by us to an incident after it has happened depends on the thoughts in our mind or our nature. All of you might be knowing the example of the glass that is half full! Seeing it as half full or half empty depends on our outlook. The ‘A-2’ autosuggestion method is a useful tool in making our response and outlook positive!

There is always a reaction expressed in every situation by any individual. An appropriate reaction happens due to the virtues in the nature of a person whereas an inappropriate reaction happens due to the personality defects in a person. Whenever an incident occurs, we have to use these autosuggestion techniques to remove the inappropriate thoughts in our mind and bring appropriate thoughts into our mind and act according to them.

We have understood that for mistakes by self on the level of action, autosuggestion should be given according to the A-1 technique. For reactions in the mind that last for less amount of time, autosuggestion should be given according to the A-2 technique.

On which personality defects is the A-2 technique effective?: By using the A-2 technique of autosuggestion, personality defects like criticising others, irritability, short-temper, quarrelsomeness, remorselessness, adamance, suspiciousness can be overcome by giving autosuggestions for them.

After constantly giving autosuggestions for a few months, when appropriate reactions routinely occur instead of inappropriate reactions, then virtues are impressed upon the subconscious mind instead of the personality defects and positive changes are observed in one’s personality. This technique is used for replacing inappropriate reactions with appropriate ones for reactions that last for less than 1-2 minutes.

Formula for A-2 autosuggestion method: A-2 autosuggestion is the method for replacing inappropriate reactions with appropriate reactions. Reactions mean responses! Inappropriate reactions mean inappropriate responses! Just as in A-1 technique, the formula for framing autosuggestion in the A-2 technique is Incident + appropriate perspective + appropriate action (thought or action) Let us see how to frame autosuggestions according to A-2 technique based on this formula.

Do not mention inappropriate actions in the autosuggestion: It is important to note that while framing autosuggestion according to the A-2 technique, inappropriate reactions of the mind should not be mentioned in the autosuggestion.

Examples of ‘A-2’ autosuggestion method

1. Example 1

A. Incident: Imagine that you are working in an office and encounter difficulties while working there. You approached your senior and asked him for his time in order to sort out those difficulties. He told you, I don’t have time now. We will talk later. You felt bad after listening to this and had a reaction in your mind, ‘My senior doesn’t pay any attention to me. He doesn’t have time to solve my difficulties’.

During this incident, was the reaction in your mind positive or negative? The answer is negative! The reaction that ‘My senior doesn’t have any time to listen to my difficulties’ is negative and comes due to getting upset. Who is getting distressed because of such thoughts? Definitely you! Does the situation change because of us thinking like this? Definitely no! Therefore, the process is to think that no matter what the situation is, what should be the appropriate thought and what should be the appropriate action and then try to behave according to that. By giving autosuggestions for incidents, we come to know what should be the appropriate behaviour in such situations, thereby removing the stress on our mind as well.

B. Analysis of the thought process: If we think about this incident, what are the personality defects that we can infer from the thought process? What we can infer from the thought ‘My senior should solve my problems immediately when I approach him’ is that we have our expectation. Feeling bad about it means the presence of emotional nature. Also, considering others by trying to understand that senior might have other work at hand is absent. Our personality defects in this incident are having unrealistic expectations, emotional nature, and not considering others!

It is possible that more than one personality defect might be active during any particular incident. In that case, autosuggestion should be framed for the personality defect that is most severe. If during a particular incident, the active personality defects are all severe, then we can frame autosuggestions for all of them. In this particular incident, let us see how to give autosuggestion for the personality defect ‘unrealistic expectations.’

C. Analysis of the example: Let us proceed as per the formula for framing the autosuggestion. The formula is Incident + appropriate perspective + appropriate action (thought or action)

What is the situation? When I approached my senior asking for time to discuss the difficulties I am facing in the office and he told me ‘We will talk later’, I had reactions in my mind.

The perspective that we can adopt in this situation is ‘My senior has some other important and urgent work at hand at present’.
Appropriate action is I will ask my senior calmly about the time that is convenient for him to have a discussion.

D. Autosuggestion: Now we will see how an autosuggestion can be framed out of this.

Whenever I go to meet my senior in office to discuss with him the difficulties that I am facing in office work and he tells me that we shall discuss it later, I will consider that he might be having other important and urgent matters at hand and that he will definitely solve my difficulties after completing them and I will calmly and humbly ask him about his convenient time to discuss the matter.

Due to this autosuggestion, we do not draw any negative conclusions about the senior, we come to know the approximate time within which our problem might get solved, and because we tried to understand the other person, there is no stress on our mind as well.

2. Example 2
Let us consider another example that is similar to the earlier one, analyze it and try to frame an autosuggestion for the same.

A. Incident: Smt. Janaki was suggested a good alliance for her daughter by a friend. When she tried to discuss that with her husband, he said, I don’t have time now. We will discuss it later in detail. On hearing this, Smt. Janaki felt bad and had the following reaction in her mind, ‘Even when I am about to discuss such an important matter with him, he is not paying any attention. He never takes the time to talk to me’.

B. Analysis of the example: What can be the appropriate perspective for this situation? At present, husband might have some other important work at hand and he will definitely listen to me after completing his work. The appropriate reaction in such a situation should be, I will ask him calmly and humbly, When can we discuss about the alliance?

C. Autosuggestion: This situation is similar to that of the senior official in the office. Let us see how an autosuggestion can be framed for this. You might be seeing the picture of this situation on your screen. When I ask my husband for time to discuss finding a suitable alliance for our daughter and he says ‘We shall discuss later’, I will realize that he might have some other important work at hand and that he will definitely give me time after completing his work and I will calmly and humbly ask him ‘When can we discuss this subject?’

3. Example 3

A. Incident: Imagine the following situation When I was about to leave for my friend’s birthday party in the evening, my mother-in-law asked me to wash the dishes in the sink. Immediately, I had a reaction in my mind, ‘’Why does she tell me so late, right when I am about to leave? Is there any problem in leaving those dishes just like that?

When a reaction occurs in our mind, the thoughts that had come into our mind at the onset seem to be appropriate always. The thought process is that I react because the person in front of me behaves inappropriately. In short, for others’ mistake, we get into the role of a judge and for our mistakes, we get into the role of a lawyer. However, if we introspect and think in a neutral fashion, we can come across our shortcomings. No matter how someone else behaves, giving an appropriate response in any particular situation is sadhana.

B. Analysis of the example: Let us now see how we will go about framing an autosuggestion if we had to frame one for this situation. Before that, let us analyze the incident. If a reaction occurs when my mother-in-law asks to wash the dishes right when I am leaving the house, then it means that there is an expectation that no extra work at home should be told right when I am about to leave the house. Why is my mother-in-law asking me to wash the dishes before leaving? Does she need the dishes? Is the water supply going to be disrupted? I did not try to understand the exact reason. This means that there is a personality defect of not trying to understand others or drawing conclusions. Different people might have different reasons for not accepting mother-in-law’s orders and the personality defect that is active may differ depending on that. Let us now try to frame an autosuggestion based on A2 technique taking into account the personality defect of not trying to understand others.

C. Analysis of example: As discussed earlier, the formula for framing autosuggestion according to the A2 technique for inappropriate reactions occurring on the level of the mind is Incident + appropriate perspective + appropriate action (thought or action)

The situation is that I had reactions in my mind when my mother-in-law asked me to wash the dishes right when I was about to leave for my friend’s birthday party.

The correct perspective is that I will try to understand why my mother-in-law is asking me to wash the dishes right now And the correct action could be that I can openly discuss my difficulty in washing the dishes and find a solution to the situation.

D. Autosuggestion: Let us see how an autosuggestion can be framed for this situation.
When my mother-in-law asks me to wash the dishes right when I am about to leave for my friend’s birthday party, I will remember that I should find out why she is asking me to wash the dishes now and I will openly discuss with her and find a solution to my problem.

The most important point to note here is that we always believe that our thought process or stand is the correct one and that is the warning bell. Whenever we ourselves or others feel distressed by the reactions in our mind, then it should be understood that we are going wrong somewhere. What we have to do under the personality defect removal process is that we have to try to overcome these inappropriate reactions of the mind and replace them with positive or appropriate reactions. The focal point of this process is that we have to try to bring a change in ourselves rather than trying to change other people or situations.

4. Some examples for practice: Let us now go through a few incidents and try to frame the auto suggestion for practice.

a. Incident 1 : Shri Akash was stuck in traffic and so he came home from office later than usual and so his wife asked him “Why are you so late today?”. On this, Shri Akash got angry and told her “Its so easy for you to ask questions. You are at home only”.
Let us now analyze this situation and try to frame the auto suggestion.

b. Auto Suggestion : For the above example, let us frame the auto suggestion as per A-2 technique. The technique is – Incident + Correct perspective + correct reaction.

Accordingly, the auto suggestion can be given as – When I get angry upon my wife’s query on “Why are you so late today”, I will realize that she is asking me this as she cares about me and so I will explain the reason for my being late in a calm manner.

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