Satsang 19 : B2 auto-suggestion technique

We use B1 technique when it is possible to alter the personality defects of the other person or alter their adverse situation thereby reducing our stress. On the contrary if it is not possible to alter the personality defects of the other person or alter their adverse situation we use B2 technique. At times it is impossible to alter the behaviour of others especially our seniors. In situations like extreme poverty, painful or terminal illness, accidents, famine or in situations which increase our mental stress the only solution to face these situations is to maintain a philosophical perspective to address the situation. These situations can be overcome by giving auto-suggestions framed using B2 technique.


Points to keep in mind while dealing a situation with philosophical perspective

Most of the stress or problems we face are due to expectations. The lesser the expectations from self and others the more happier or calmer the person will be. We should not expect anything from anyone nor should we expect results in return of our efforts. According to the law of karma a person will beget happiness or unhappiness according to his / her actions. If we keep this concept in mind then we do not feel sad upon coming across people who are suffering due to poverty, accidents, famine etc. (The concept of Law of Karma is given in the initial three discourses.) In Kaliyug, 65% of the situations we face are due to Destiny. The incidents of happiness or sorrow we face are the results of our actions from the previous births. If we keep this point in mind or try to impress this on our subconscious mind then we do not get emotional in adverse situations.

The auto-suggestion containing a philosophical view point can be framed using either A2 or A3 technique, depending upon the time duration of the situation. This information helps to decide which type of auto-suggestion we should use in a given particular situation. There is no compulsion to use only a specific formula in this technique.


Examples of B2 auto-suggestion technique

We will try to understand B2 auto-suggestion technique with the help of a few examples.

1. Example

Mrs. Shah had a dog named Moti and she loved him a lot. When the dog died due to old age, she was very sad.


Death is an inescapable fact. It is not that Mrs. Shah does not know ‘everyone who is born is certain to die’; but due to her emotional nature she cannot stay strong.


We can come out of such situations by framing correct auto suggestions and impressing upon the mind the correct perspective. We will try to understand how to frame an auto suggestion in this case of the dog Moti’s death.

‘When I will come to know that Moti died due to old age, at that time I will realise that everyone who is born is going to die someday and that only God remains with us forever and I’ll start chanting’.

Here, the philosophical perspective is added in the auto-suggestion to deal with such situations. Along with this, instruction is given to perform the act of chanting so that the mind does not get involved in those emotional thoughts. Chanting helps in gaining spiritual strength and courage to face difficult situations.

2. Example

We will try to understand B2 auto-suggestion technique better with a few more examples.

Suppose the situation is that, there is fear in the mind ‘What if I get infected by coronavirus and die!’. Because of this thought, mind continues to remain disturbed.

In such cases we can frame an auto-suggestion keeping a philosophical perspective looking at the situation as a third person. Let us try to frame an auto-suggestion for it.


When I will get the thought that ‘I will die if I get infected with the corona virus’, I will realize that since ‘God has already determined the time of death for everyone. And, not only because of corona virus, but the fact that man can die at any time’, I will focus on my spiritual practice to fulfill the aim of human birth.


Such type of auto suggestions help in reducing the fear in the mind. Birth, death and marriage these three things occur only by destiny. Just like we do not have control over birth we do not have any control over death also. We should take all kinds of precautions regarding corona but incase there is any fear in the mind, we can alleviate it with the help of auto suggestions.

3. Example

Sometimes we get angry when a person speaks or behaves inappropriately. But, it is not possible to make him / her realise about his incorrect behaviour. At such times, we need to keep in mind the correct perspective and try to remain calm. Regardless of the person and the situation, trying to remain stable and behave in the right way is sadhana or spiritual practice. When we cannot change the inappropriate behaviour of others, we can give auto-suggestion using the B2 technique to overcome the instability of our mind. We shall try to understand about it with the help of another example.

One of my relatives, Mrs. Pawar came to our house. She bragged about her new car and teased us since we did not have one. Mrs. Patil felt very bad in this incident.


In such cases, you need to focus on your spiritual practice or chanting, and ignoring the inappropriate behavior of others, rather than feeling bad about what others say. Another important point to note here is that our birth takes place according to destiny. Where to be born is not in our hands. Just as our birth is predestined, so do we come in contact only with people with whom we have a give-and-take account. What a story of ordinary people like us where even the saints have not missed the fate! So, in a particular situation the inappropriate behavior of a person in front of you may be due to destiny and the only solution is to do sadhana to make it bearable.


When Mrs. Pawar will brag about her new car and tease us for not having one, I will realize that this is her old personality defect and it will take some time for her to remove it. And I will focus on chanting rather than thinking about what she is saying.

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