Are manmade insecticides its friend or foe?

Limitations of science!


1. Insecticides have benefitted farming,
however caused disastrous effect on domestic animals

Though the poisonous chemical insecticides have helped in reducing the menace of crop destroying insects and flies, these poisonous chemicals have caused an adverse effects on the habitat of several useful and beneficial animals and insects.


2. Particles of DDT found spread
over thousands of miles due to its widespread use

The extensive spraying of DDT has led to appearance of these chemical particles in food, grain, water, soil, and even thousands of miles away in the icebergs of Antartica!


3. Need of studying the ill effects
of poisonous substances – DDT and DDE

DDT and DDE (a derivative of DDT produced after its disintegration) are known to everyone as being extremely poisonous substances. The ill effects of these insecticides will be clear after performing an in-depth study.


4. Ill Effects on Falcon birds

4 A. Nature loving foreigners perform research
on highly useful falcons before starting to use DDT

Since United Kingdom and the European countries have high interest in ‘History of nature’, they have recorded the history of various species of insects, birds, frogs and fishes for hundreds of years and their study is still continuing.

Even before the start of usage of DDT, study of various species of falcons that are useful to humans has been undergoing. These falcons kill smaller birds which feed upon grain and seeds in the fields. (This is thus beneficial to the farms)

4 B. Reduction in the number of falcons after usage of insecticides

As insecticides began to be used extensively, the number of falcons started dwindling. From 1960 to 1970 their number came down by 70 to 80%.


5. Manmade insecticides themselves are the cause for pollution

These insecticides are completely man-made and their property of remaining intact for several years has caused pollution. (In order to maintain the balance of nature not only science but spiritual prowess is also required and this is possible only in a Hindu nation. – Compiler)

Reference : Unknown

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