Life history of Dharmasamraat Karapatra Swamiji
as narrated by His disciple Gurudev Dr. Kaateswamiji
1. Birth of Karapatra Swamiji and His spiritual practice
Swami Karapatra was born on the 2nd day of the bright fortnight of Hindu calendar month of Shravan in Bhatni village of Pratapgad district in Uttar Pradesh. He was named as ‘Harnarayan’. In the year 1926, at the age of 19, He left His home. He lived on the bank of river Ganga. He studied Vedas in the Ashram of Swami Vishveshwara. He did penance living in Himalayas. When in meditative state, He received a divine order to carry out work towards reinstating Dharma. At the age of 24, He departed from the place of Shri Brahmanand Saraswati and travelled to Kashi. After achieving the stage of a renunciant He became ‘Hariharanand Saraswati’.
2. Swamiji’s divine mission towards nation building and awakening on Dharma !
- In 1939, Swamiji started published two newspapers from Kashi. One was daily named, ‘Sanmarg’ and other was weekly named, ‘Siddhant’.
- Later He established ‘Dharmasangh’ and initiated Dharmayatra. The main aim of founding Dharmasangh was to free the people from Government’s ‘secular’ system of education. He travelled all over India by foot. He conducted many workshops, discussions, Vedashakha sessions, Shashtra sabhas etc.
- On 19 January 1940, He declared ‘Dharmayudha Satyagraha’. Due to this, He was imprisoned for 6 months.
- Through His organization ‘Dharmasangh Education Mandal’ of Kashi, Swamiji started schools for teaching Sanskrit at more than 50 places like Kashi, Vithur, Churu (Rajasthan), Muzafarpur, Vrindavan, Bihar, Delhi, Amritsar and Lahore. They are functioning till today.
- He also founded ‘Dharmaveer Dal’ and ‘Mahila Sangh’. He organized grand sessions of Vedashakha, sessions for religious reporters, sessions for sadhus (Saints).
3. Death
In 1980 Swamiji did Kumbhsnan and undertook activities for propagation of Dharma at Haridwar. Even after having fever He did Sankrantisnan. On 7th February 1982, on the occasion of Chathurdashi and lunar asterism of Pushya, Swamiji took holy bath in the river Ganga and renounced his body uttering Shiva Shiva Shiva at Kedar Ghat in Kashi.
Swamiji’s untiring work towards protection of Hindus !
1. In the year 1946, Hindus were massacred in masses in Bengal. It was a horrible act. Colossal religious conversion took place. Instantly Swamiji went to Bengal. Swamiji imparted courage to Hindu masses by visiting Naukhali and other places and announced that, ‘One who chants name of Shriram will remain pure Hindu forever’. He gave them assurance that such forcible conversion will not take place. Swamiji rehabilitated 3 thousand homeless Hindu families.
2. Karapatra Swamiji strongly opposed ‘Hindu Code Bill’. He toured throughout the country for this purpose. In His huge agitation against ‘Hindu code bill’ more than 2 crore rupees were spent. Swamiji also published book named, ‘Hindu Code Bill Pramanachya Kasotivar’. He also agitated for putting a ban on cow slaughter throughout the country.
Various books written by Karaptra Swami !
‘Shaankarbhasya – Akshep aur Samadhan’; ‘Samanvay Saamrajya Saurakshan’; Sanskrit books like, ‘ Marxwaad ani Ramrajya’; ‘ Vedswaroop ani Praamanya’; ‘ Vedpraamanya mimaansa’; ‘Ahamarth va Parmaarth’; ‘Vedswarup Vimarsha’; ‘Jyotisyati Kaayakalp?’; ‘Chaaturyavarnya Sanskruti Vimarsha’; tantrik book like, ‘ShriVidhyaratnakar’; ‘Vedarth Paarijaat’ (3 thousand pages long book); ‘Ramayan mimaansa’ etc.