Sounding of a conch at the commencement of a puja

Sounding of a conch at the commencement of a puja and before an Arti helps in reducing the obstacles caused by the negative vibrations in the flow of the sattvik (Sattva-predominant) waves of Deities attracted towards the ritual and creates a protective sheath of Chaitanya (Divine consciousness) around the implements of the puja. It provides the following benefits:

  • Sounding of a conch disintegrates the Raja-Tama particles in the environment.
  • The sagun (Materialised)-shakti (Divine Energy) of Srivishnu active in the universe is attracted in greater proportion towards the puja. The individual sounding the conch and those hearing it benefit from this.
  • It reduces the movement of the negative energies in the environment which, in turn, reduces the obstacles caused by the negative vibrations in the flow of sattvik waves of Deities attracted during their invocation in the puja.
  • A protective sheath of Chaitanya is generated around the implements used in the puja.
  • A puja is concluded with the Arti. Even during the Arti, waves of the Deities that are active in the universe are attracted to the puja venue in a greater proportion. In order to disintegrate the Raja-Tama waves obstructing the flow of these waves, a conch is sounded in advance. The purification of the environment sought thereby helps retain the Chaitanya emitted by the puja long after the completion of the puja.


1. Sounding of a conch awakens the
tarak-marak (Saviour-Destroyer) Principle of the Deity

A. Sounding of a conch by tilting the neck back
slightly awakens the tarak-marak Principle of the Deity

Raising the neck a little and tilting it back slightly activates the sushumna-naḍi of the individual sounding the conch. This helps in striking an appropriate balance between the Raja-Sattva particles in the waves related to the Absolute Fire and Air Principles that are emitting from the mouth. As a result, the tarak-marak Principle of the relevant Deity is awakened, suiting a particular situation and depending on the requirement.

B. Sound of the conch causing
disintegration of Raja-Tama particles in the environment

Due to the Nad-shakti (Energy of sound) emanating from the sound of a conch, the subtlemost waves from the universe coming from the upward direction get awakened, leading to the disintegration of Raja-Tama particles in the environment in a shorter period.

C. Sound of a conch compels the negative energies to manifest

Due to the swift momentum of the waves (which are endowed with Nad-shakti) being emitted by the conch, friction takes place between the Raja particles, and that generates subtle-flames. As a result, the sheath around the bodies of the negative energies that exist in gaseous form, experiences heat. Hence, the negative energies cannot tolerate the sound of a conch. They are then compelled to manifest. Some mantriks from Bhuvalok (Nether region) and Patal (Hell region), however, pretend that they are unfazed by the sound of the conch.

D. Sounding of a conch in a high pitch till the end penetrates even the
black sheath around the bodies of the negative energies that are in gaseous form.


2. Features and benefits of the sound at the
sagun-nirgun level generated from the sounding of a conch

A. Impact of the conch sounded on the earth being felt on
other regions of the universe, resulting in activation of the subtlemost
waves present there and their reaching the venue where the conch has been sounded

The sound generated by a conch is a sound at the sagun-nirgun (Non-materialised) level. This sound creates a void of subtle-sound from the conch to the periphery of the environment. The subtlemost waves of God active in the form of different Deity Principles and waves of sound are attracted towards this void of the subtle-sound. Since the spread of this void extends up to the regions of Bhu (Earth), Bhuva (Nether), Swarg (Heaven) and Rushis (Sages), the conch sounded on the earth has its impact on other regions of the universe and the subtlemost waves there attain momentum and start becoming active. So also, as the nucleus of the void of the sound is the conch, these waves are also attracted to the conch and reach the venue where the conch is sounded.

B. The sound of a conch increases the
nirgun Principle of God in the environment and purifies it

Since the proportion of the nirgun Principle is greater in the sound of a conch, the sound-waves emanating from it have affinity towards the direction of higher regions. The sound of a conch has the ability to penetrate the air swiftly; hence, the subtlemost sound waves gather to penetrate the environment and move swiftly in an upward direction. In the process, the Raja-Tama particles active in the environment at the subtlemost level get destroyed, and there is an increase in the nirgun Principle of God in the environment, which in turn purifies the environment.

C. The sound of a conch reduces the energy of
powerful negative energies fighting at the nirgun level

The nirgun level sound of a conch is at the subtlemost level and is endowed with nirgun Chaitanya of God. Hence, the sound immediately reduces the energy of powerful negative energies of the regions Bhu, Bhuva, Swarga and Mahalok (Higher subtle region).

D. Purification of the bodies due to the sounding of a conch

On hearing the sound of a conch, the sukshma-deha (Subtle body), karan-deha (Causal body or intellect) and mahakaran-deha (Supracausal body or ego) of an individual are purified. The black energy accumulated in them is eliminated faster due to the sound-oriented impact.

E. Sound of a conch is pervasive and a complete sound

On studying the character of the sound of a conch, its pervasive nature and completeness are understood. It is because of the striking character of the sound of the conch, that the scriptures advise sounding a conch at the commencement of puja and Arti, at the commencement and end of a war, and at the time of coronation or other religious rituals.

Reference : Sanatan’s Holy text ‘Preparations before worshipping a Deity’

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