Jalgaon – Mahamandaleshwar Shri Janardan Hariji Maharaj of Faizpur District said, “The mission of Sanatan Sanstha and Hindu Janajagruti Samiti is Divine. It is an attempt to keep the mission of Sanatan Hindu Dharma active. All Ganesh devotees should download the Ganesh App of Sanatan Sanstha regarding puja and arti so as to celebrate Ganesh Chaturthi ideally. It includes points explained using scientific terminology on how to perform arti, how to worship and immerse an idol of Ganesh. Everything is available in Marathi, English, Hindi and Kannada so all should take advantage of it.” When representatives of Hindu Janajagruti Samiti paid him a visit Shri Janardan Maharaj praised the Samiti for this work and blessed the mission. Swamiji gave the message to celebrate any festival as described in the Scriptures because only if celebrated as per Scriptures and culture then all calamities are allayed. He was speaking thus as Ganesh Chaturthi is the greatest festival celebrated in the whole of Bharat. On behalf of the Samiti Mrs. Kshipra Juwekar apprised him on all missions carried out by the Samiti for the nation and Dharma. Mr. Brahma Ankalekar, Mr. Dhiraj Bhole and Mrs. Chaya Bhole were accompanying her.