From Researcher to Rashtra Guru

1. Internationally renowned Hypnotherapist After conducting successful research on Hypnotherapy in England from 1971-1978, He became an internationally renowned Hypnotherapist. Returning to Mumbai in 1978, He started His independent practice as a Hypnotherapist on mental disorders. In 1982, He formed the ‘Indian Society for Clinical Hypnosis and Research’. From 1978-1983, He gave practical guidance to … Read more

Paratpar Guru (Dr) Jayant Athavale’s birth and His spiritually inclined family

To enable spiritually curious people to progress towards God-realisation faster, Paratpar Guru (Dr.) Athavale promoted ‘Gurukrupayoga’ (Path of Guru’s grace, which has 8 steps). Till May 2016, 65 seekers have attained Sainthood by performing sadhana according to ‘Gurukrupayoga’; and 836 seekers have attained a spiritual level above 60% and are on their way to attaining Sainthood.