Laws in the Dharma-based Hindu Rashtra

Dharma will be the foundation of all the laws in the Hindu Rashtra. Consequently, there will never be any need for their ammendments. Abiding by these laws will not just avert crime, but will result in spiritual practice as well. – Paratpar Guru (Dr.) Athavale

India advances in anti-Dharma and immoral issues

In the 74 years since Independence, thanks to most of the political parties, India never really advanced in the true sense. If at all it did, it is in anti-Dharma and immoral issues. – Paratpar Guru (Dr.) Athavale

Limitations of science

Science commenting on laws in Spirituality is akin to a child speaking about elders. – Paratpar Guru (Dr.) Athavale

Significance of spiritual practice

Once yearning for God-realisation develops as a result of performing spiritual practice, one loses interest in materialistic things. Consequently, there is no envy, jealousy or hatred about others; so also, there is no feeling of aloofness or quarrels with others. – Paratpar Guru (Dr.) Athavale

Participate in the mission of serving Dharma without ego

Do not have the ego that ‘I am doing it’ while serving the mission of establishing the Hindu Rashtra; because, as per the significance of time, the mission is definitely going to be accomplished. However, the efforts of those who participate selflessly by sacrificing their body, mind and wealth, will amount to spiritual practice. Consequently, … Read more