Process of merger

A drop of water thrown into the sea merges with the sea. Similarly, a patriot merges with the Rashtra and seeker merges with God. – Paratpar Guru (Dr) Jayant Athavale

The only solution to all the issues is establishing the Hindu Rashtra

A single medicine is never a solution on all the ailments; so also, a single law is never applicable to all the legal matters. However, there is one solution to all the issues pertaining to Rashtra and Dharma and that is establishing the Hindu Rashtra. – Paratpar Guru (Dr) Jayant Athavale

Why will there be no corruption, rapes, etc. In Hindu Rashtra ?

In the Hindu Rashtra, subjects that are useless in life such as Geography, Maths, Chemistry, etc. will not be taught in schools; instead, education to make the students sattvik, meaning education on how to perform spiritual practice will be provided. Hence, just as in Ramarajya, there will be no corruption, rapes, hooliganism, murders in the … Read more

How will the politicians in Hindu Rashtra be?

In Hindu Rashtra there will not be any selfish and egoist politicians who only think of being in power. Instead, there will be servitors of Dharma and Rashtra who will think that human beings should perform spiritual practice and attain God-realisation. – Paratpar Guru (Dr) Jayant Athavale

System of education in Hindu Rashtra

Some ask what will be the system of education in the ‘Hindu Rashtra’. The answer is – Its curriculum will include imparting education on 14 Knowledge-forms and 64 Art-forms. just as they were taught in the Universities of Nalanda and Takshashila. Additionally, how to realise God will also be taught. – (Paratpar Guru) Dr. Jayant … Read more

The might of Hindu Dharma

There is no comparison between the religions that nurture the goal of ruling the world and Hindu Dharma that aims at God-realisation for all. – Sachchidananda Parabrahman (Dr) Jayant Athavale

Importance of control of Dharma

Man is not spiritually pure; hence freedom of expression leads him astray. Control of Dharma over him is necessary to prevent this from happening. – Sachchidananda Parabrahman (Dr) Jayant Athavale

Who is responsible for ruining our Nation ?

First Mughals, followed by the British, and then various unpatriotic political parties are responsible for our Nation’s ruin to unfathomable depths. – Paratpar Guru (Dr) Jayant Athavale

Laws in the Dharma-based Hindu Rashtra

Dharma will be the foundation of all the laws in the Hindu Rashtra. Consequently, there will never be any need for their ammendments. Abiding by these laws will not just avert crime, but will result in spiritual practice as well. – Paratpar Guru (Dr.) Athavale

India advances in anti-Dharma and immoral issues

In the 74 years since Independence, thanks to most of the political parties, India never really advanced in the true sense. If at all it did, it is in anti-Dharma and immoral issues. – Paratpar Guru (Dr.) Athavale