Study of the spiritual characteristics of Bhasma and Vibhuti using UTS (Universal Thermo Scanner)

Scientific experiment conducted by
Maharshi Adhyatma Vishwavidyalay using UTS (Universal Thermo Scanner)

Study of the spiritual characteristics of Bhasma and Vibhuti that manifested spontaneously at the residence of two Saints and granular particles created spontaneously in Paratpar Guru (Dr.) Athavale’s unused sealed lunch box

Saints are materialised form of God. God gives spiritual experience to His devotees through the medium of Saints. Spiritual experiences help augment faith in God. When the Vibhuti (Holy ash) from sattvik places such as pilgrimage centres, samadhis of Saints is applied to the forehead or is kept in belongings, many people get spiritual experiences; because, the Vibhuti from these places gets charged with Chaitanya due to the Holy atmosphere and this Chaitanya works for the devotees. There is a Saint, in whose presence, Bhasma is automatically created. This Saint applies it to the forehead of His devotees who then get spiritual experiences. There is another Saint who gives His devotees Vibhuti which has a lot of Chaitanya and hence, if it is kept in belongings or applied to the forehead, spiritual healing occurs. In Paratpar Guru (Dr.) Athavale’s unused empty lunch box, granular particles were created automatically. From the subtle vibrations of these particles it was realised that they had a lot of Chaitanya.

An experiment was conducted by Maharshi Adhyatma Vishwavidyalay in Sanatan’s Ashram at Ramnathi, Goa on 7.12.2017 using UTS to study the spiritual uniqueness of Bhasma and Vibhuti that manifested spontaneously at the residence of two Saints and granular particles created spontaneously in Paratpar Guru (Dr.) Athavale’s lunch box. Details are given ahead.

1. Nature of the experiment

In this experiment, the UTS readings of Bhasma and Vibhuti that manifested spontaneously at the residence of two Saints and granular particles created spontaneously in Paratpar Guru (Dr.) Athavale’s lunch box were recorded. In this experiment, ordinary ash was used for the purpose of comparison. A comparative study of the UTS readings revealed the spiritual characteristics of the Bhasma and Vibhuti that manifested spontaneously at the residence of two Saints and granular particles created spontaneously in Paratpar Guru (Dr.) Athavale’s lunch box.

Note for readers : Due to shortage of space we have given the common features of UTS on (Please note that some letters are in Caps) – Introduction to UTS, Various components of the scientific experiment conducted with the instrument and description, Measuring the aura of an object with UTS, Procedure and precautions taken for consistency in the readings, tabulated observations etc.

2. Observations and their analysis

2A. Analysis of the observations pertaining to negative energy

Infrared and ultraviolet energies were not found in the ordinary ash that manifested spontaneously at the residence of two Saints and granular particles created spontaneously in Paratpar Guru (Dr.) Athavale’s lunch box. The infrared and ultraviolet energies are considered as negative energies by the scanner.

2B. Observations pertaining to positive energy – Presence of high amount of positive energy in the Bhasma and Vibhuti that manifested spontaneously at the residence of two Saints and granular particles created spontaneously in Paratpar Guru (Dr.) Athavale’s lunch box

It is not necessary that every individual, object or premises will have positive energy. No positive energy was found in the ordinary ash used in this experiment; however, high amount of positive energy was present in the Bhasma and Vibhuti that manifested spontaneously at the residence of two Saints and granular particles created spontaneously in Paratpar Guru (Dr.) Athavale’s lunch box. The arms of the UTS scanner opened at an angle of 1800 and hence, the aura could be measured. The positive energy aura of the Bhasma that manifested spontaneously was 3.20 meters, the aura of the Vibhuti that manifested spontaneously was 5.37 meters and the aura of the granular particles created spontaneously in Paratpar Guru (Dr.) Athavale’s lunch box was 6.40 meters.

2C. Analysis of observations pertaining to the aura of the objects used in the experiment – The aura of the Bhasma and Vibhuti that manifested spontaneously at the residence of two Saints and granular particles created spontaneously in Paratpar Guru (Dr.) Athavale’s lunch box being a lot more than the ordinary ash

Generally, the aura of an individual or object is 1 meter. The aura of ordinary ash was 1.22 meters. The aura of the Bhasma that manifested spontaneously at one Saint’s residence was 4.36 meters. The aura of the Vibhuti that manifested spontaneously at another Saint’s residence was 6.23 meters, while the aura of the granular particles created spontaneously in Paratpar Guru (Dr.) Athavale’s lunch box was 8.60 meters. Generally, the aura of these 3 components was a lot more than that of the ordinary ash.

3. Spiritual science underlying the observations

3A. The Bhasma that manifested spontaneously in a Saint’s residence is ‘Divine Bhasma’

This Saint is a high spiritual authority. That the Bhasma manifested spontaneously in His residence is one unique Divine revelation. Such unique Divine revelations are a regular feature at His residence and His temple at home.

3B. Presence of high amount of Chaitanya (Divine consciousness) in the Vibhuti given by the other Saint due to His energy of resolve

The second Saint is a Saint of the highest order. He has performed many religious rituals. He often recommends spiritual remedies (Note) for the removal of obstacles faced by other Saints and bestowal of good health to them. Due to the presence of tremendous amount of Shakti (Divine Energy) in His resolve, there is a lot of Chaitanya in the objects given by Him for spiritual healing. One is subjected to spiritual healing by carrying or applying the Vibhuti given by Him on forehead. The presence of the high amount of positive energy in this Vibhuti and its large aura is an indicator of the presence of high amount of Chaitanya in it.

Note – Spiritual healing : ‘Spiritual healing’ means reduction or removal of negative vibrations in a person suffering from spiritual distress due to the sattvikata (Spiritual purity) of a particular object. If an individual suffering from spiritual distress is performing spiritual practice, then he/she is more sensitive to the vibrations and can comprehend if he/she has been subjected to spiritual healing or not.

3C. Spontaneous creation of granular particles in Paratpar Guru (Dr.) Athavale’s sealed lunch box due to the Chaitanya in Him

Paratpar Guru (Dr.) Athavale is tirelessly working for establishing the ‘Hindu Nation’ of Sattva-predominant people for the welfare of the world. This is His ongoing samashti (For the benefit of society) mission. Paratpar Guru (Dr.) Athavale is a Saint of the highest order who is at the level of a Paratpar Guru; hence, there is large amount of Chaitanya in Him. The impact of this Chaitanya is seen on His body, the environment, objects He uses, people who come in His contact etc. For the past few years, seekers have been witnessing unique phenomena regarding Him such as Divine changes in His body (For example, His nails becoming transparent, His hair becoming golden, His skin becoming yellowish etc.), creation of Chaitanya in the inanimate objects He uses (For example, His rubber slippers becoming yellowish etc.), and sacred symbols such as ‘Om’, lotus, Swastika etc. appearing on His body. In the earlier days, as proof of an individual’s Sainthood, God would give spiritual experiences to people in the society. In those days, people used to perform spiritual practice; hence, they were able to realise the importance of Saints through the medium of spiritual experiences. Even in today’s computer age, God is showing His Divine play. All that we need is Divine vision and this can develop only through spiritual practice. In this severe Kaliyug, God is making us experience His Divine play through the medium of the unique changes pertaining to Paratpar Guru (Dr.) Athavale. The creation of granular particles in Paratpar Guru (Dr.) Athavale’s unused sealed lunch box due to His Chaitanya is nothing but God’s Divine play. The observations of the experiment also revealed the same aspect.

– Mrs. Madhura Dhananjay Karve, Maharshi Adhyatma Vishwavidyalay, Goa.

E-mail : [email protected]

Note : A report on the chemical analysis of the Bhasma and Vibhuti that manifested spontaneously at the residence of two Saints and granular particles created spontaneously in Paratpar Guru (Dr.) Athavale’s sealed lunch box and their conclusion will be published soon.

The creation of granular particles in Paratpar Guru (Dr.) Athavale’s unused sealed lunch box due to His Chaitanya is nothing but God’s Divine play !

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