O’ Hindus, beware! The enemy is performing Simollanghan; prepare to protect yourself !

Vijayadashami is the day when the Gods secured vijay (Victory) over the demonic forces. Vijayadashami is a festival that celebrates the ancient tradition of Simollanghan (Crossing the borders and entering the enemy’s kingdom) and winning.
Today, demonic forces are eager to divide India. Anarchy has arisen in Bangladesh and terrorist forces are oppressing the minority Hindus there. Kashmir, Bengal, Assam and North-Eastern States are flooded with terrorists. Naxal forces are running a parallel government over 30% of India’s territory. The hidden hands of terrorist and Naxal forces are plotting a civil war across India. In a way, the terrorist forces are performing Simollanghan, crossing the borders from Delhi to the remote streets in India, and defeating the Hindus through riots. O’ Hindus ! In such adverse conditions, the enemy is performing Simollanghan; so prepare to protect yourself !
O’ Hindus ! Why is Vijayadashami celebrated ? Or why are Aparajita and weapons worshipped ? Learn about the underlying meaning of these ritualistic worships. True Simollanghan means ‘declaring war by breaching the enemy boundaries for victory’. Worship of Aparajitadevi denotes seeking power from the Goddess for victory and giving Apta leaves to the elders denotes seeking their blessings to obtain victory.
– (Sachchidananda Parabrahman) Dr Jayant Athavale, Founder, Sanatan Sanstha.