How can one prevent other thoughts from occurring while chanting?

Just as sugar has sweetness as its quality, so also the nature of the mind is to think continuously or to harbour a certain emotion arising from some thought. In the beginning when chanting, everyone gets various thoughts due to the impressions from previous births.

Why does a japa mala consist of 108 beads?

The japamala (rosary) usually consists of 108 beads in addition to the merubead. The four parts (charans) of each of the twenty-seven lunar asterisms (nakshatras) that is 27 x 4 equals one hundred and eight. These are represented by 108 beads in the mala.

Which Name should one chant if the Guru has not imparted a Name?

One should repeat (chant) the Name of the family deity (kuladevata), which refers to both the male or the female family deity. Depending upon which family deity’s worship is conducive for his spiritual progress, an individual is born in that particular family.

What is a Gurumantra?

The Guru imparts a Gurumantra for the disciples so that they realise that the Guru has bestowed His grace upon them. This article explains importance of chanting the Name given by the Guru, misconceptions about Gurumantra and why it needs to be kept secret.

What is the importance of Guru?

In the present birth, everyone seeks guidance from teachers, doctors, lawyers etc. for simple aspects. If this be so, it is really beyond our imagination to understand the importance of the Guru, the one who releases us from the cycle of birth and death. One should surrender unto the Guru, so that the Guru can control his mind till its dissolution. Surrender unto the Guru completely and then leave the rest to Him.

Qualities of Guru

Qualities of Guru : A Guru has all the qualities that an ideal teacher possesses.