Enlightening Questions and Answers

H.H. Anant Athavale

Moksha (Final Liberation) will be attained if we are able to understand the root cause of getting entangled in the cycles of birth and death, and reach a state where there is no desire left. The questions and answers ahead enlighten about attaining Moksha. These have been written by Sanatan’s Jnanyogi Saint H.H. Anant Athavale (Paratpar Guru [Dr] Athavale’s eldest brother) in a simple language.

First Part

Question Answer
1. Why the cycles of birth and death ? Due to destiny
2. Why destiny ? Due to merits and sins
3. Why merits and sins ? Due to good and bad karmas in this and earlier births
4. Why good and bad karmas ? To fulfil our desires of obtaining happiness and avoiding undesirables (Dangers, etc.)
5. Can you avoid the cycles of birth and death by letting go of desires ? No
6. Then how can we avoid it ? Getting rid of desires altogether
Note : Letting go of desires is the state of a seeker; getting rid of desires (Not even thinking of) is the state of a Siddha (Evolved)
7. Is there any scientific basis for attaining Moksha by getting rid of desires ? Yes. This is narrated in the Mahabharat, Upanishads (This topic appears in a different manner in Appendix 1, Point 5 of Sanatan’s Marathi Spiritual text ‘Geetadarshan’ and citations on this appear in it.)

Second Part

8. What should be done for not letting desire arise in the first place ? This is nearly impossible.
9. Why is it impossible ? The two reasons are :
A. The entire Creation is naturally prone to destruction.
B. Human beings are inherently extrovert in nature.
10. How do these reasons
matter ?
A. From the beginning of Creation, the sequence of eras has been – Satyayug, Tretayug, Dwaparyug and Kaliyug. It can never be that Kaliyug will come first, and then due to Incarnations (of God), guidance of Saints and Sages, human beings will evolve; and that Dwaparyug, Tretayug and Satyayug will come in the reverse order. The fact is that since the entire Creation is naturally prone to destruction, the downfall is continuous.
B. Human being is inherently extrovert in nature. He takes birth as a child. His 5 sense organs become active. These organs have a system of collecting knowledge from the outside world only. As a result, these organs start seeking pleasure from external sources. The intellect is not developed to an extent where it can understand that this pleasure is not desirable. The human being does not take birth with a developed intellect or logic about what to do and what not to. His organs are also extrovert. They are attracted towards external sources of pleasure only and they seek increasingly more pleasure of that kind. This is a fixed sequence, it was never reversed, will never be and cannot be reversed.

Note : If it is decided to keep the above article in the collection, the following points should be noted.

1. The answer in Point number 6 should be in a separate line.

2. Do not add headings and sub-headings in the article; this would reduce its effectiveness.

3. Do not publish the article in parts, else its effectiveness and utility would reduce. The article has been already written in two parts for the convenience of publishing in ‘Sanatan Prabhat’.

(From the note written by H.H. Anant Athavale, His very high level of perfection in seva can be understood. Likewise, His intense yearning to ensure how a topic on Spirituality can reach society with maximum effectiveness is also easily experienced. Besides this, one can understand how Saints of the highest level think about Sanatan’s seekers. This highlights the uniqueness of H.H. Anant Athavale. – Editor)

Source : Dainik Sanatan Prabhat

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