Things which are useful during disasters such as earthquakes, floods, etc.

A. Tent, big tarpaulin and a thick plastic sheet

B. Life-jacket and dinghy

These things will be handy for individuals staying in flood prone areas

C. Gas Mask and Portable Oxygen Mask Tank

Gas Mask is a life saver during leakage of poisonous gas. A person can try to reach a safe place by using it.

D. Walkie–Talkie and Ham radio

E. Other things

Forehead torch (Both hands remain free), small binocular, signalling mirror (Its flickering light can draw the attention of individuals who happen to be far away, to the place where we are stuck.), Para Cord (Strong enough to hold heavy weight), Rain Poncho (Big Raincoat with a cap), Emergency Personal Alarm and Thermal Blanket (Useful in severe cold region)